Selected Publications
Isidro AM, Amorosa V, Stopyra GA, Rutenberg HL, Pentz WH, Bridges CR: Fungal prosthetic mitral valve endocarditis caused by Scopulariopsis species: case report and review of the literature. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 131 (5): 1181-1183,2006.
Spencor K, Weinert L, Pentz W: Calcified right atrial mass in a woman receiving Long-tern intravenous phosphate therapy. Journal of the American Social Echocardiologist 12 (3): 215-217,1999.
Venkaya RV, Poole RM, Pentz WH: Respiratory failure from procainamide-induced myopathy. Annals of Internal Medicine 119 (4): 345-346,1993.
Benedict MA, Desilver DA, Pelletier DE, Pentz WH, Ratner DI: Developmental protein synthesis is required for the transcription of Dictyostelium prespore genes. Developmental Genetics 12 (1-2): 113-122,1991.
Ratner DI, Pentz WH, Pelletier DA: Prespore gene expression in Dictyostelium requires concomitant protein synthesis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1008 (1): 71-78,1989.
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