Selected Publications
Brian L Egleston, Mary Daly, Kaitlyn Lew, Lisa Bealin, Alexander D Husband, Jill E Stopher, Pawel Przybysz Olga Tchuvatkina, Yu-Ning Wong, Judy Garber, Timothy Rebbeck: Changes in risk tolerance for ovarian cancer prevention strategies during the Covid-19 pandemic: Results of a discrete choice experiment Medical Decision Making : 2024.
Lin JK, Hearn CM, Getzen E, Long Q, Lee DC, Keaveny TM, Jayadevappa R, Robinson KW, Wong YN, Maxwell KN, Narayan V, Haas NB, Takvorian SU, Bikle DD, Chiang JM, Khan AN, Rajapakse CS, Morgans AK, Parikh RB.: Validation of Biomechanical Computed Tomography for Fracture Risk Classification in
Metastatic Hormone Sensitive Prostate Cancer
European Urology Oncology 23 : 2023.
Shevach JW, Aiello LB, Lynch JA, Petersen J, Hoffman-Hogg L, Hartzfeld D, Lundquist M, Kelley MJ, Scheuner MT, Montgomery R, Damjanov N, Robinson K, Wong YN, Jhala D, Parikh RB, Maxwell KN.: On-Site Nurse-Led Cancer Genetics Program Increases Cancer Genetic Testing Completion in Black Veterans JCO Oncol Pract 19 (8): 637-644,2023.
Danielle Candelieri-Surette, Hung A, Lynch JA, Pridgen KM, FY Agiri, Li W, Aggarwal H, Anglin-Foote T, Lee KM, Perez C, Reed S, DuVall SL, Wong Y, Alba PR: Development and Validation of a Tool to Identify Patients Diagnosed With Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics (7): 2023.
Nickols NG, Mi Z, DeMatt E, Biswasm K, Clise CE, Huggins JT, Maraka S, Ambrogini E, Mirsaeidi MS, Levin ER, Becker DJ, Makarov DV, Febles VA, Belligund PM, Al-Ajam M, Muthiah MP, Montgomery RB, Robinson KW, Wong YN, Bedimo RJ, Villareal RC, Aguayo SM, Schoen MW, Goetz MB, Graber CJ, Bhattacharya D, Hoo GS Orshansky g, Norman LE, Tran S, Ghayouri L, Tsai S, Geelhoed M, Rettig MB: Effect of Androgen Suppression on Clinical Outcomes in Hospitalized Men With COVID-19: The HITCH Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA Network Open 5 (4): e227852,2022.
Song A, Bange EM, Kavanagh R, Savinese S, Way D, Wong Y, Haley E: Hospice Care of Veterans Receiving Concurrent Immunotherapy: Clinical Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Virtual meeting. : 2022.
Yamoah K, Lee KM, Awasthi S, Alba PR, Perez C, Anglin-Foote TR, Robison B, Gao A, DuVall SL, Katsoulakis E, Wong YN, Markt SC, Rose B, Burri R, Wang C, A Okoduwa, Fink AK, Nickols NG, Lynch JA, Garraway IP: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Prostate Cancer Outcomes in the Veterans Affairs Health Care System JAMA Network Open
5 (1): e2144027,2022.
Parikh RB, Gallo JJ, Wong YN, Robinson KW, Cashy JP, Narayan V, Jayadevappa R, Chhatre S.: Long-term depression incidence and associated mortality among African American and White prostate cancer survivors Cancer 127 (18): 3476-3485,2021.
Hungria V, Martínez-Baños DM, Peñafiel CM, Miguel CE, Jorge Vela-Ojeda5, Remaggi G, Duarte FB, Cao C, Cugliari MS, Santos T, Machnicki G, Fernandez, M, Grings M, Ammann EM, Lin JH, Chen, Y-W, Wong, Y-N, Barreyro P.: Multiple Myeloma Treatment Patterns and Clinical Outcomes in the Latin America Hemato-Oncology (HOLA) Observational Study, 2008-2016 Br J Haematol. 188 (3): 383-393,2020.
Li P, Jahnke J, Pettit AR, Wong YN, Doshi JA: Comparative Survival Associated With Use of Targeted vs Nontargeted Therapy in Medicare Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma. JAMA Netw Open 2 (6): e195806,2019.
Academic Contact Information
Corporal Michael J. Crescenz Veterans Affairs Medical Center
3800 Woodland Avenue
Medicine Service, Hematology Oncology Section