Broken: One Womans Journey to Renewal

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Lynne Goldstein is a photographer, long-time Philadelphian, and seven time cancer survivor. She has faced many battles both physically and emotionally, often finding herself “living life between cancers.” While photography has been a profession and a passion, recently a solo show "Broken" served as an important outlet to express her cancer journey and in doing so, find connections to a larger community of people facing cancer.

In Lynne's Words

The following is an excerpt written by Lynne describing her experience and art:

When you hear those words – "It's cancerous. It's malignant" – your life changes. Forever.

So, I was going to call my latest photo show "Yes, this is how it feels."
But, knowing that those words affect each one of us differently, it seemed wrong.
So, instead, I called it, "Broken." That just seemed more fitting.

"Broken" represents my personal cancer journey over these 30 years. Seven cancers. Multiple rounds of chemo and radiation. Innumerable surgeries.
It also represents my goal to live despite cancer, not between cancers.

The photos from this show (some of which are placed in this blog) are not lurid or exposing. They are just abstract enough, organic, molecular, so when viewers come to my show, they can relate, whatever their personal history and emotional story.

They look at the photos. They see things. They relate. And, they connect.
I hear: "Beautiful." "I get it." "Very reassuring." "Yes!" "Remarkable."

It has been uplifting for each and every one.
And that is the way I want all of us to feel.

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The Penn Medicine Giving blog highlights and promotes philanthropic contributions to Penn Medicine and the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine.

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