Five Tips for Clothes Shopping While Losing Weight

two women shopping

Clothing shopping – if you are someone who has struggled with weight all your life, chances are clothing shopping might not be your favorite thing to do.

And if you are in the process of losing weight either through diet and exercise alone or as a result of weight-loss surgery, buying new clothing for your changing figure can be exciting and frustrating at the same time.

Here are some tips and reminders for shopping as you continue on your weight-loss journey.

Try everything on

Before you lost weight, you may have avoided the dressing room. Now? It’s more important than ever to try everything on before you bring it home. Your body is changing, and your shopping habits need to change with it. What you once pulled off the rack and brought home to wear is now probably too big.

Be forgiving

Try to focus on the positives while you try clothing on. Even if you aren’t in the size you want to be in, congratulate yourself on how far you’ve come and what you can wear now that you couldn’t before.

Experiment with new styles and colors

If you never wore skirts before, why not start wearing them now? Showing off your new body is a great way to inspire yourself along the journey.

Fit your form

You have a new shape – show it off! Pick pieces that emphasize your waist or wherever you feel confident. By choosing pieces that fit well, you can actually make yourself look thinner. Get rid of those baggy clothes and love the skin you’re in.

Have fun

Take a friend or support person shopping with you. He or she can help you choose new pieces and give you an honest opinion about the clothing you choose.

Ready to go shopping for a new, slimmer you?

Learn if bariatric surgery is right for you by attending a free weight-loss information session about the Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program.

Learn more about weight-loss surgery at Penn at this free session, and meet physicians and team members from the Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Program.

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