Starting a Walking Program


man walking dog

Gym memberships are expensive. Running or biking outside can put stress on the body, especially when starting an exercise program after surgery. But walking? It’s free, convenient and easy on your body. That is why walking is the recommended form of exercise after weight-loss surgery.

The following tips can help you get motivated to start and maintain an active walking program:

Lace up your shoes rain or shine

Make a commitment to walk in all kinds of weather. If it is cold, bundle up. If it is raining, carry an umbrella. Don’t let the weather be an excuse for not walking.

Plan ahead

Look at your schedule at the beginning of each week and decide which days to walk. By planning ahead, you help ensure that your busy life does not get in the way of your walking program.

Make walking fun

Just because walking is a form of exercise does not mean it has to be miserable. Make walking fun by starting a walking group and asking friends and family to join you. A lively conversation makes exercise more enjoyable. You might even forget you’re walking for exercise.

Bring a dog

Pets make wonderful companions – even for exercise. Use your exercise time as an opportunity to walk the dog or even borrow a friend’s dog. Dogs are great motivators to keep moving and stay active.

Set a destination

Having a destination in mind makes the walk pass quicker. Before you begin your walk, set a destination such as a flower shop or bookstore. You can even reward yourself by buying a bouquet of flowers or magazine when you get there.

Clear your mind

Walking is a great form of self therapy or catharsis. Use your time walking to clear your mind and channel positive energy.

Keep things new and fun

As soon as a walking path starts feeling routine, change it up. Find a new trail or go to a park you’ve never been to before. Avoiding routine helps keep things new and fun. 

Jazz up your walk with tunes

Update your music player with upbeat songs. Music is energizing and sometimes even gives you an extra pep in your step. You can also upload audio books if you prefer listening to books instead of music.

The key to maintaining a long-term exercise program is making it enjoyable instead of a chore. Also, remember that physical activity is a key component of a healthy lifestyle, so make walking a priority and invest in a healthier future. 

Make sure to consult with your health care team before starting any exercise program, including walking.

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