Does Bariatric Surgery Improve Sex Lives for Women?

woman flirting with man

Maybe this is something you already know, but in case you didn’t… University of Pennsylvania, and Penn Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery program member David Sarwer, PhD, along with his colleagues recently published an article in the Journal of American Medical Association Surgery about a surprising side effect of weight-loss surgery in women.

Women who shed pounds after weight-loss surgery gained a more satisfying sex life.


Dr. Sarwer says improved sex lives probably occurred because weight loss improved how women felt physically, and improved their own feelings about their appearance.

"When it comes to sex and sexuality, our behavior lies at the intersection of what's happening with us physiologically and what we are experiencing psychologically," says Dr. Sarwer. “An improved sex life may also be the result of improved hormone levels, and how women are feeling about themselves.”

The study involved 106 women with an average body mass index (BMI) of 44.5 who underwent bariatric surgery.

Out of the 106 women, 85 had gastric bypass surgery and 21 had a gastric banding procedure.

Women in the study reported improvements in sexual enjoyment and function. They reported improved self-esteem, less depression and were more comfortable with their body image.

Though this study only focused on women, Dr. Sarwer says another study involving men is currently underway.

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