Meet Kristoffel Dumon, MD, Surgeon at Penn Bariatrics


Bariatric surgeon Dr. Dumon talking to fellow physician and dietitian

Kristoffel Dumon, MD, is a gastrointestinal surgeon at Penn Medicine, specializing in bariatric surgery. He focuses in minimally invasive bariatric surgery, hernia surgery and macroscopic hernia surgery. A specialist in robotic surgery, he wishes to expand the spectrum of robotic procedures within general surgeries.

Dr. Dumon came to Penn from Belgium for his residency in 1998 and then started working as a staff surgeon in 2006. He’s been practicing at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, but you can now also find him at Chester County Hospital.

Q&A with Dr. Dumon

We recently caught up with Dr. Dumon to learn more about him, what he likes about the Bariatric Surgery program at Penn and what advice he offers people who are considering weight loss surgery.

What’s your favorite tip for keeping off the weight?

Eat breakfast and have frequent small meals. Don’t skip on any meals.

What’s the best part of your job?

I like seeing and interacting with patients. You can get a diagnosis, try to work something out that’s going to benefit their lives. It’s very rewarding, very gratifying. I especially like Bariatric patients because I think very often they come at the end of seeking a solution for their obesity. Finally they’re at the stage where I can really help them and typically they’re extremely grateful after a surgery. It really is a life-changing event for them.

What’s the best piece of advice that you have for patients?

Don’t wait too long to come and see us. Don’t feel discouraged or think of weight loss surgery as just a tool.

Is there anything that you wish people knew before coming to Penn for bariatric surgery?

I think we have a truly comprehensive program. There is a lot of behind the scenes work being done to improve the safety as patients come through the program. We have a commitment not just within Surgery, but also within our eating disorders center and diabetes center.

You’ve been at Penn for a while. What do you like about working here?

Penn has both an academic mission and a community responsibility. I think it’s very resourceful, but at the same time, results focused. With so many subspecialties represented, there’s always somebody who can help with more complex cases.

More about Dr. Dumon

Languages spoken: Dutch, German, French, English, a little bit of Spanish

Favorite healthy food: Yogurt

Favorite place to vacation: The Jersey Shore

Favorite sports team: Philadelphia Eagles

Favorite TV show: None, just watches kid’s TV shows with his two children

Last book read: The Book Thief

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