10 Tips for Staying on Track This Holiday Season

Car-shaped cookie cutter and Christmas tree

On average, Americans gain one-to-two pounds during the holiday season. Research shows these pounds tend to stick around and can add up over the years.

As we approach the holidays, have you thought about how you will stay in control and keep your weight-loss goals? Having a plan in place is key.

Here are some our favorite ways to stay on track, even in the toughest social situations.

  1. Don’t go to a party hungry. Becoming too hungry can lead to poor food choices. Plan to have a small snack or light meal with some protein and fiber before you go.
  2. Bring a healthy dish to holiday parties. This way you know there will be a healthy option to turn to.
  3. Use a small plate. It’s easy to forget about all of those finger foods when we just pick & grab. Use a plate to stay on track & use a small plate to help keep your portions in check.
  4. Do not hang around the food. It becomes harder to resist the food when it’s right in front of us. Chat with your friends and family away from the food table.
  5. Stay hydrated. Always carry a calorie-free beverage with you, so you are never going too long without drinking.
  6. Stay active. Start a new family tradition by signing up for a local holiday 5K or one-mile walk. Other ways to stay active include taking the stairs instead of elevator or escalator, park far away while doing your holiday shopping, go for a walk with family after meals.
  7. Plan ahead for shopping days. Eat a balanced meal before you go and pack protein packed options such as tuna packets, turkey jerky, roasted edamame or nuts to avoid mall food court temptations. Don’t forget to stay hydrated these days as well.
  8. Bake for others. Love baking? Avoid bringing temptations into your home by giving away the goods as gifts. Out of sight, out of mind.
  9. It’s okay to say no. Don’t feel guilty about turning down certain high-calorie foods. Don’t feel you have to eat anything that someone offers you. Be selective. Practice politely saying no this holiday season.
  10. Keep a food diary. This will help you stay on track and allow you to see that you are meeting your protein and fluid goals throughout the holiday season.

We hope these tips help! Have a very happy holiday!

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