The Case For Eggs: Egg Nutrition Facts You Should Know

eggs and toast shaped like hearts on a plate

The controversial health documentary on Netflix, What the Health, claims that eating one egg per day is the equivalent to smoking half a pack of cigarettes each day for life expectancy. But is there any truth to this alleged “fact”?

Hardly. In fact, eating one egg a day might actually be beneficial to your health. 

Benefits of Eggs

Here are some reasons eggs may be good for you:

High in Protein

The number one health benefit of eggs is their high levels of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for bariatric patients especially for the first month after surgery. Protein helps your body to retain muscle, so more protein = a stronger body, which you will need to heal from your bariatric surgery.

Packed with Essential Vitamins

While you may have already known about the high levels of protein found in eggs, you may not have known that they also contain many essential vitamins including B2, B12 and vitamin D. 

B2 is important because it serves as an antioxidant that can help boost your energy levels and speed up your metabolism. B12 is used for a variety of reasons and can help improve memory, treat heart conditions, treat pain and numbness, improve sleep, improve your skin, hair, nails, and more. Lastly, vitamin D’s main function is to help you to strengthen your bones and joints but it can also be used to help you to lose weight and to treat multiple sclerosis and mental health conditions.

Contain Phytochemicals to Improve Your Vision

Eggs contain two phytochemicals, or antioxidants that can help you to improve your vision. These phytochemicals are called lutein and zeaxanthin. Both of these vitamins are known to prevent eye diseases including age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, and retinitis pigmentosa. They may also help to cure dry eyes.

What About Cholesterol?

For many years, eggs were thought of as a food to avoid because of their high cholesterol content (185 mg in a large egg yolk). However, studies show for most individuals, the cholesterol in food has a smaller effect on blood levels of total cholesterol and the “bad” LDL cholesterol than does the mix of fats in the diet. 

While moderate egg consumption of up to one egg a day does not increase heart disease in healthy individuals, eating more than six eggs a week may increase the risk of heart failure with aging. If high cholesterol is a problem, choose egg whites over whole eggs and individuals with diabetes and heart disease should limit egg consumption to only three yolks or whole eggs a week.

How to Incorporate Eggs in Your Diet – The Healthy Way

Eggs make the perfect snack food in between meals. Boil up a few of them to keep stocked in your fridge for a healthy snack to have on hand when the hunger strikes. Or, you can also try to pair the hard-boiled egg with a slice of tomato, sautéed vegetables, fresh fruit or multi-grain bread for a healthy, well-balanced meal. 

Just remember to avoid unhealthy fat-laden pairings such as sausage, home fries and white toast, and you’ll be sure to have a high-protein, healthy and nutrition snack.

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