Did you know that there are more than 100,000 people on the transplant waiting list? Every nine minutes, another name is added to the list and, every day, 17 people a day die waiting for an organ to become available.
Kim Olthoff, MD, Chief of the Division of Transplant Surgery notes, “The reality is that there would be so many more deceased donors if people knew what their loved one’s wishes were, so that they would say “yes” to organ donation more often when this rare opportunity occurs. That’s why it’s so critical to put donor designation on your driver’s license and have a conversation with your loved ones about your wishes.”
Often, a lack of information or misinformation about organ donation stops people from donor designating on their driver’s licenses. Below are six answers to frequently asked questions about organ donation that shed some light on why it's so important to register to be a donor and to encourage others to register, too.
FAQs Organ Donation
How many lives can one organ donor save?
One deceased organ donor can save up to eight lives! Two donated kidneys can free two patients from dialysis treatments. One donated liver can be split to go to two patients on the wait list. Two donated lungs mean another two patients are given a second chance, and a donated pancreas and donated heart are two more patients who will receive the gift of life.

When you add it all up, 1 deceased donor = 8 lives!
Is tissue donation important?
Yes! One tissue donor — someone who can donate bone, tendons, cartilage, connective tissue, skin, corneas, sclera, and heart valves and vessels — can impact the lives of as many as 75 people.
Is it common for a registered donor to actually be able to donate their organs?
Although almost 170 million people are registered to be donors, only three in 1,000 people die in a way that allows for deceased organ donation. That’s why organ donation is a special opportunity and adding the donor designation to your driver’s license is so important.
Can I be an organ donor while I am still alive?
Yes, you can a donate one kidney or a lobe of your liver while you’re still living. Most living donations happen between family members or close friends; however, others choose to be living donors for someone they don’t know, which is known as non-directed or altruistic donation. Nearly 6,000 living donations take place each year. The Penn Center for Living Donation is the most experienced living donor center in the greater Philadelphia region. Click here to learn more about how Penn offers exceptional care for our living donor candidates.
Learn more about living kidney donation
Learn more about living liver donation
How many people are currently waiting for life-saving transplants?
Nationally, there are more than 100,000 people awaiting transplantation. Even the largest football stadium in the US could not fit the number of patients on the national transplant waiting list.
How many people have benefited from the generosity of organ donors at the Penn Transplant Institute?
Since the Penn Transplant Institute’s first transplant in 1966, more than 13, 500 people have benefited from organ donation at Penn thanks to the generosity of registered donors, donor families, and living donors.
During Donate Life Month every April, we honor all the donors and their families for their life-saving generosity and compassion.
Register as an organ donor
See if you’re qualified to be a living kidney donor
Learn more about the Penn Transplant Institute