How a Microsite Can Help You Find a Living Donor

Kelly and Rok
Pictured: (L) Living donor Kelly Schmidt and her recipient (R) Rok Hyon

Living kidney donation can shorten your time on the waiting list and give you the best possible clinical outcome, but finding a living donor can be a challenge. Sharing your story is one proven way to get the word out about your need for a living donor.

What Are Microsites?

Specifically designed to help waitlisted patients identify living donor candidates, microsites are easy to personalize with your own photos and information. Once your microsite is up and running, you can share your microsite's URL like you would for any other website — through email, text, and on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. In addition, patients who create a microsite will receive 250 free business cards with microsite information to use for face-to-face networking.

How Do Microsites Work?

Step 1: Register to create your own microsite. When you receive the link to start your microsite, you will create a "starter" microsite that will have generic information and serve as a placeholder with a unique web address.

Step 2: Once the starter site is set up you will receive an email with a link to create your personalized microsite with photos and your personal information. After your microsite is created, our team will review the site and either approve the site or suggest changes that will help you more effectively identify living donor candidates.

Step 3: When your microsite is approved, your customized microsite will replace the "starter" microsite with the same web address. You will receive a confirmation email when your microsite is online and viewable to the public.

Step 4: Approximately two weeks after your site is active, you will receive 250 business cards with your name and the web address of your microsite to share with anyone you meet who is interested in learning more. At this stage you are able to use the link to the microsite in emails and on social media.

Tips for Creating Your Microsite

  1. Share you story about what your life is like and the steps you're taking to find a living donor.
  2. If you choose to mention your friends and family, try to also explain why they can't donate.
  3. Share your hopes and dreams, including what plans you have for after transplant.
  4. Do not offer any payment or compensation of any kind to potential living donors
  5. Remember to double check spelling and grammar before submitting to the site.


If you have questions about your microsite, a National Kidney Registry coach is available to help guide you through the set up process. Your coach will be in touch with you shortly after the starter microsite is set up and will be available by email and phone to answer any questions you may have.

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The Penn Medicine Transplant blog features short postings with news about the transplant program at Penn Medicine, notices about upcoming events and health information.

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