Solutions for Women at Pennsylvania Hospital

woman holding a baby

Sand in your toes, bright sunny days, outdoor picnics and BBQ’s - all things to look forward to this summer!

Here at Pennsylvania Hospital, we’ve got some exciting summer plans, too; especially in our maternal and infant units. Solutions for Women - our women’s health boutique - is on the move! As a Baby-Friendly hospital, breastfeeding and parent education are a big part of what we do. Not only will Solutions for Women have a freshly renovated location, but we’ll also be expanding the services we provide to women across the Philadelphia region. Outpatient consultations with International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLCs) and a full menu of classes for expectant and new parents and their support networks will be offered as well as a health boutique featuring certified nursing bra-fitters, all in one convenient location!

Open now!
Solutions for Women
700 Spruce Street
Garfield Duncan Building, Suite B3
Philadelphia, 19107

Q and A with Adrianne Wells, BSN, RN, IBCLC

Solutions for Women will be a second home for some of our fantastic, dedicated IBCLCs who are specially trained in breastfeeding and lactation support. Adrianne Wells, BSN, RN, IBCLC - one of Penn’s finest - shares with us the importance of this specialty and what it means to her.

Tell us a bit about yourself? Why did you decide to become a nurse?

I became a nurse because I grew up watching and learning from my mother who is an incredible nurse. She was an emergency department nurse and had six children. She went on to own and operate her own home healthcare company, allowing her to be a more present mom as well. She always knew how to assess and triage any situation! I had the opportunity to help take care of my grandmother in her final years and knew that I wanted to follow in my mom’s footsteps - so I changed my career path from art/photography to nursing. I knew I would gain the training I needed to be a good nurse, a good mom eventually and an active part of our community.

What drew you towards the specialty of breastfeeding/lactation consultation?

When I had my first baby six years ago at Pennsylvania Hospital, I was well prepared for labor and delivery but I had not done any preparation for breastfeeding. I just figured I would do it. I ran into some roadblocks early on and had a lactation consultant come to my home after calling the Pennsylvania Hospital Warmline for help. The lactation consultant was able to spend all the time I needed and was a source of ongoing support for me in my early days postpartum. I knew in that first month after my daughter was born that not only had my life changed forever now that I was a mom but I had a new purpose. I began lactation training just two months after I gave birth, doing online courses to start. I knew I wanted to be there for women to support them on their breastfeeding journeys.

Why do you think it’s important for soon-to-be parents to take Childbirth Education Classes?

I believe it will empower them with knowledge. It gives them a heads up for what to expect during and after labor.

What are the most common struggles a new mom has with breastfeeding?

The most common issues we see with new and even experienced moms are:

  • Latching issues
  • Growth spurts and cluster feeding
  • Feeding plan changes
  • Breast milk supply concerns
  • Sleep and breastfeeding
  • Schedules and breastfeeding
  • Transition to home and life with a new baby, new body and a new family
  • Allergies
  • Reflux

These are all very common issues moms face and we are here to guide you.

What exactly happens in an outpatient lactation consultation?

During your one on one visit with a Pennsylvania Hospital IBCLC, we will go through a thorough history and perform exams for both mom and baby including oral for baby, breast for mom, a latch assessment and feeding observation. We also have a specialized scale to determine the volume of milk being transferred. Bring a list of your questions and concerns and we will provide solutions and will work together to determine a care plan that is best for you and your baby.

How do you think the new Solutions for Women will benefit your patients?

It will provide continuity of care for families. During your pregnancy, we are your resource for classes and supplies. Throughout your hospital stay after delivery, you will potentially interact with the same IBCLCs that will also provide your care after discharge. We will be able to offer families a convenient location, support groups and classes, while providing a sense of community and bonding.

So if you’re expecting or know someone that is expecting, spread the word - we’ve got you covered. We can ALL use support during those first few weeks and months of motherhood. We’re here for you.

Learn more about the parenting and breastfeeding classes and support groups at Pennsylvania Hospital and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania.

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