How to Maintain Wellness while Social Distancing

Senior Woman Smiling Video Call

The uncertainty and anxiety many of us feel right now is normal, but that doesn’t make things easier. Learning to cope with social distancing, self-isolation and other safeguards during COVID-19 is challenging and takes time.

However, it’s important to stay in tune with yourself and engaged with others to help keep your spirits high. Check-ins can help you stay on track with your day-to-day activities. One way to keep track is through journaling. Monitor your answers to the following: how am I feeling today, have I eaten a balanced meal, should I take a walk, should I call a friend or family member?

If you’re feeling isolated or anxious, be empowered to find the support that you need. Here are a few ways to help you cope.


Mindfulness and meditation practices are proven to help calm anxiety and boost coping skills. There are tons of resources and free meditation tools to help you get started, including Oprah and Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation.


Physical activity is crucial to your overall health. Taking a walk or practicing yoga are low-impact ways to get your mind and body moving.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Nike Training Club is offering free premium workouts, including yoga and mobility sessions.


If you are in a relationship, this may be a great time to check in with your partner. Perhaps, you can exercise together, have a game night, reconnect with family members, or go on an at-home date to enjoy one another.


Pick up a new home-improvement project, color, play games with your family, solve a puzzle, or start that writing project you have been considering.


Sticking to a routine helps keep your day as “normal” as it can be. Waking up early, walking the dog, exercising in the morning, and preparing meals for the week are useful ways to keep yourself busy and maintain a level of normalcy.


Being surrounded by clutter can cause distraction and increase lack of focus. Try designating a day to tidying up your space.

Marie Kondo wrote The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, a New York Times bestseller, on how tidying up your space can help spark joy and peace in your life.

Video Calls:

Stay connected with others. Set aside time to check in with your family and friends to lift your spirits and ensure you have someone to lean on.

The House Party app, which allows you to host a virtual game night, is great for spending time and having fun with the people you care about.

Social Media:

Social Media can be tricky. There is a lot of information that can be unproductive, but it can be a resource to keep you connected to your support system and informed about the world around you.

Take Time for Yourself:

Everything changes over time, and the current state of the world shall pass. Keep in mind that panic and worry will not change anything — they will just cause more confusion and exhaustion.

Find new ways to occupy your mind, while enjoying some extra time with family, friends and nature.

To learn more about supportive services available at Pennsylvania Hospital, call 215-829-6466. For services at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, call 215-615-0534.

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The Focus on Cancer blog discusses a variety of cancer-related topics, including treatment advances, research efforts and clinical trials, nutrition, support groups, survivorship and patient stories.

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