Mindfulness Monday: Turn Your Love Inward

Young woman with a hopeful look, her face is pointed skyward

You’ve heard it before — “you should love yourself,” but how do we tap into that meaningful, all-encompassing, embodied self-love? It begins with awareness.

Being aware of your thoughts throughout the day is crucial. In a recent study, humans have been said to have an average of about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day and about 80% of those thoughts are negative in content. 

Here are a few ways to focus on positive thinking.

During the day, whether you are meditating or taking a moment to be mindful, spend some time focusing on your inner narrative. What are you saying to yourself? Do your thoughts make you feel good or sad?

Practicing non-judgmental awareness can bring light to our ‘default’ modes of thinking. Through the light of awareness, you possess the opportunity to change your inner narratives.

Positive affirmations to recite in the mornings:

  • Wow, I received the perfect amount of sleep.
  • I am proud of myself.
  • I know I have all that I need within me to live a meaningful and peaceful love-filled life today.
  • My happiness grows stronger each day.

Turning love inward means speaking kindly to yourself with loving supportive words. You possess the power to excavate this inner love—moment-to-moment.

This week’s mindful mantra (repeat daily):

I love who I am and I trust my inner goodness.


To learn more about mindfulness meditation or other supportive services available at Pennsylvania Hospital, call 215-829-6466. For services at the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, call 215-615-0534.

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