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About the LGBTQ Patient Navigation Program

The LGBTQ Patient Navigation Program helps connect patients anywhere along the LGBTQ spectrum to outpatient or specialty care at Penn Medicine.

Patient navigators are advocates who offer support and help navigating the health system.

This includes finding appropriate providers, making sure your records are updated to match your gender designation and pronouns, or other issues that may come up when accessing care. 

For patients that are uninsured or underinsured, patient navigators can refer you to resources for assistance.

Contact Us

If you are interested in working with one of our patient advocates, please contact us for more information. Please be aware that the LGBTQ Patient Navigation Program does not provide or influence medical services, medical advice, financial assistance, transportation, or other support services outside Penn Medicine.

Phone: 215-573-8499

For Providers and Staff

Providers and staff can offer this program to patients who have identified as LGBTQ and have a need to connect to support services to navigate access to preventative care or specialty care services. Please refer patients only if you have their consent.

When offering the program, you can use language similar to the following: "We know that sometimes our system can be frustrating and hard to navigate. If you are interested, there is a Patient Advocate program that can help you connect to LGBTQ competent providers and navigate the ins and outs of care at Penn.”

If providers are interested in growing or beginning LGBTQ affirming practice, please contact the program for questions, inquiries, or concerns.

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