Our radiologists are highly experienced in a full range of MR services.

These capabilities include MR imaging of the:

  • Adrenal glands
    • Distinguishes if adrenal masses are benign or cancerous
    • Analyzes which tumors causing high blood pressure could respond to surgery  
  • Bladder
    • Evaluates bladder tumors for size, location, presence in bladder wall or spread to other sites
  • Breast– See Breast Imaging
  • Cervix
    • Appraises cervical tumor to see if surgery or radiation therapy is best
    • Identifies tumor size and location, spread, presence in surrounding lymph nodes or ureter  
  • Colon
    • Evaluates potential fistulas in distal colon, rectum or anus, as in inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Kidneys
    • Assesses renal (kidney) masses
    • Diagnoses and stages tumors
    • Evaluates renal cysts
  • Liver
    • MR is most accurate imaging method for liver
    • Identifies cirrhosis and its complications
    • Detects, evaluates hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and hemochromotosis (iron overload)
    • Examines focal liver masses to determine which need therapy
  • Ovaries
    • Identifies problems that may be treated conservatively or with laparoscopy, such as some cysts or benign tumors
    • Can distinguish nearby benign masses
    • Shows location and extent of ovarian cancer prior to surgery
    • Evaluates abdomen and pelvis to document success of cancer therapy 
  • Pancreas
    • Shows blockages of pancreatic duct through magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP), a non-invasive technique that visualizes the bile ducts, gallbladder and pancreatic ducts without the use of an endoscope or sedation
    • Views bile ducts to determine causes of obstruction
    • Judges severity of pancreatitis and checks for complications
    • Identifies cysts and cystic neoplasms, determines action needed
    • Stages pancreatic tumors
  • Prostate
    • Stages prostate cancer to help determine optimal therapy
    • Assesses size and location of tumor, volume of entire gland, spread beyond prostate
  • Testicles
    • Provides further analysis of an ultrasound finding 
  • Uterus
    • Evaluates cause of enlarged uterus, pelvic pain or abnormal bleeding
    • Analyzes fibroid tumors and adenomyosis to determine which therapies may provide best results

MRI for Claustrophobic or Larger Patients

Our MRI systems deliver optimal performance for expert analysis. MRI systems to accommodate larger or claustrophobic patients are available at 11 Penn Radiology locations: 

To learn more about our MRI systems for claustrophobic or larger patients, please call 1-800-789-PENN.

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