Latest Endocrinology News
Follow our Grand Rounds calendar for the most up to date conference schedule.
For the latest news and updates from the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, follow us on Twitter @PennIDOM
Community Pillar participates in the Penn Medicine Community Day

Meet 2024 Celebrate Caring Winners (
New EDM Fellows who will be with us through June 2026

Taking Charge of Your Diabetes: An Educational Series
Join us for one or all of these educational events that will help you understand and manage your diabetes. This is a 3-part series being hosted by The Community of Compassion CDC located at 6150 Cedar Ave. in West Philadelphia. Refreshments and Giveaways will be provided!

Live Virtual Course - Foundations of Culinary Medicine for Healthcare Professionals
Dr. Carrie Burns will once again lead a discussion geared at medical providers that will focus on healthy food choice for patients with diabetes. This is part of a Culinary Medicine course. Foundations of Culinary Medicine is structured to educate medical providers about the importance of healthy food and nutrition, while giving them the skills and tools by which they can assist their patients (as well as themselves) lead healthier lives. You can register using this link.

Endocrine Society's 2023 Early Career Forum Awards

The Early Career Forum is a prestigious program offered exclusively to graduate and medical students, postdoctoral and clinical fellows, and internal medicine residents.
Endocrine Society's 2023 Laureate Awards

Mitch Lazar is the recipient of the Fred Conrad Koch Lifetime Achievement Award—the Society’s highest honor. This recognizes the lifetime achievements and exceptional contributions of an individual to the field of endocrinology.

Peter Snyder is the recipient of the Outstanding Clinical Investigator Award, which is presented to an internationally-recognized clinical investigator for meritorious contributions to clinical research related to pathogenesis, pathophysiology, and therapy of endocrine diseases.
Recent Publications