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The Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania develops and conducts clinical trials and novel therapies for all types of infectious diseases to improve health locally and around the world.

Our numerous research studies focus on fostering translational research and encouraging training and educational initiatives that result in the recruitment of top physicians, including the highest quality HIV/AIDS faculty.

Our investigators and clinicians are known for their teaching excellence and have a wide range of experience in scientific investigation including bench science, translational and epidemiologic research, clinical trials, health policy, and public health.

In This Section

Basic, Translational and Clinical Research

Members of the Infectious Diseases (ID) Division are involved in a wide array of innovative, interdisciplinary research programs that are dedicated to both advancing knowledge and fostering a culture of excellence in training the next generation of scientific leaders.

Hepatitis Screening

Learn about our HEP B and HEP C programs and watch a video from Dr. Vin Lo Re.

Penn Center for AIDS Research (CFAR)

The mission of the Penn Center for AIDS Research (Penn CFAR) is to support, encourage and facilitate research in all areas of HIV/AIDS.

Botswana U-Penn Partnership

Founded in 2001, the Botswana-UPenn Partnership (BUP) was formed to build sustainable and high-quality healthcare in Botswana.

Penn CDC Prevention Epicenters Program

The Penn CDC Prevention Epicenters Program represents a broad collaboration across multiple institutions in southeastern Pennsylvania with a dual focus on adult and pediatric patient populations.

HIV Clinical Trials

Researchers within the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of Pennsylvania develop and conduct the latest clinical trials to treat those with HIV infection.

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