Jonathan Kotzin headshot
Medical School: Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Residency Program: Brigham and Women’s Hospital Undergraduate: Stanford University

Hometown: Denver, CO
Career Interests: Academic rheumatology with an interest in basic mechanisms of immune response dysregulation including the development and function of anti-cytokine autoantibodies. I am also interested in exploring known mechanisms of tumor microenvironment immune suppression as possible novel therapeutics in autoimmunity.
What Drew Me to Penn/CHOP: Exceptional clinical faculty, collaborative training environment, world class immunology research, and the city of Philadelphia
Hobbies: Spending time outdoors by playing tennis, rowing on the Schuylkill river, hiking sections of the Appalachian trail, or exploring Philly playgrounds and coffee shops with my wife and 1-year-old son.

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