Neurosurgery research at Penn medicine covers all of the key topics in the neurosciences from basic science research to clinical trials. The department is home to a rich number of laboratories and centers focusing on issues including spinal biomechanics, neurotrauma, neurodegenerative disorders, brain tumors and traumatic brain injury. Below you'll find a list of the labs and centers within our department sorted by Principal Investigator.
Nduka M. Amankulor, MD
Nduka M. Amankulor, MD
The Amankulor Lab is a neurosurgical oncology lab at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine investigating the immune-modulating properties of IDH-mutant glioma. Their ultimate purpose lies in the lives of the patients and the eradication of this immunosuppressive and universally fatal disease. Recently, Dr. Amaknulor was named a Cancer Moonshot Scholar by President Joe Biden for his research work. This new program created by President Biden was launched to support a diverse workforce that will drive progress to end cancer. The funding received from this award supports the research endeavors conducted within this lab.
Michael S. Beauchamp, PhD
Michael S. Beauchamp, PhD
The Beauchamp Lab studies the neural mechanisms for multisensory integration and visual perception in human subjects. Of special interest is human communication. When conversing with someone, we use both visual information from the talker's face and auditory information from the talker's voice. While multisensory speech perception engages a broad network of brain areas, the most important is the the superior temporal sulcus. Multisensory integration is particularly beneficial in understanding speech when the auditory modality is degraded, such as in a noisy room. To understand the neural mechanisms of multisensory integration and visual perception, we use a variety of methods, including intracranial electroencephalography (iEEG) and blood-oxygen level dependent functional magnetic resonance imaging (BOLD fMRI). Through these sophisticated studies, we hope to unlock one of nature's great mysteries: how the brain performs amazing computational feats, such as understanding speech, that allow us to make sense of the auditory and visual world around us. Every advance in deepening our knowledge of these processes is not only exciting for its own sake but will also help children and patients with language and perceptual difficulties.
Iahn Cajigas Gonzalez, MD, PhD
Iahn Cajigas Gonzalez, MD, PhD
The Cajigas Lab is a translational neurosurgery research laboratory interested in addressing clinical knowledge and treatment gaps in the fields of movement disorders, epilepsy, and pain. The lab utilizes computational, engineering, and statistical methods to analyze electrophysiological data to assist with surgical planning, develop of novel neurologic targets for neuromodulation, and understand the neural control of movement with the goals of restoring function after neurologic injury.
H. Isaac Chen, MD
H. Isaac Chen, MD
The Chen Lab's primary focus of our translational research is to develop novel methods for restoring the function of the brain after it has been damaged by combining aspects of stem cell biology, neural tissue engineering, and neural interface technologies. In addition, we are interested in new techniques for preserving brain function during neurosurgical procedures. The goal of these research endeavors is to improve the outcomes of patients suffering from a variety of brain disorders and diseases.
D. Kacy Cullen, PhD
D. Kacy Cullen, PhD
The Cullen Lab applies biomedical engineering principles and technologies towards two complementary goals; an improved understanding of the causative mechanisms of neural injury, and the development of cutting-edge neural tissue engineering-based treatments to promote regeneration and restore function. This lab was founded in 2009 with significant support from the Department of Neurosurgery here at the University of Pennsylvania. The research has received additional funding from the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Defense, and the University Research Foundation at the University of Pennsylvania.
Brett L. Foster, PhD
Brett L. Foster, PhD
The Foster Lab studies how the human brain constructs our experience of the past, present and possible future. Humans have the remarkable ability to relive our prior perpetual experiences through our memories. The Foster Lab studies the human brain to understand the neural systems and processes which support this ability. To do so, we work at the interface of neuroscience and neurosurgery utilizing unique recordings performed directly within the human brain. Through this approach, we seek to capture the electrophysiological brain signatures of how we perceive and later retrieve information about the world. We hope such an approach to studying the human brain also serves to provide important translational findings for linking studies across species and neuroscience methodologies.
Casey Halpern, MD
Casey H. Halpern, MD
The Center for Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery provides innovative surgical treatment for patients with movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, essential multiple sclerosis tremor, dystonia, and medically intractable epilepsy. Currently, the main focus of the Center for Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery is deep brain stimulation. We provide innovative surgical treatment for patients with movement disorders such as Parkinson's disease, essential multiple sclerosis tremor, dystonia and medically intractable epilepsy.
The Center, under the direction of Casey H. Halpern, MD, serves as a functional surgery center for the treatment of neurological disease and is an international training center for surgeons in the functional neurosurgery field. Currently, the main focus of the Center for Functional and Restorative Neurosurgery is deep brain stimulation (DBS); however, vagal nerve stimulation and virtual surgeries are also being performed to further expand treatment and research in the field.
Along with Penn neuroradiology, Penn neurosurgeons are participating in a clinical trial that is testing a prototype system that conducts neurosurgery in virtual reality. Similar to a pilot simulator, surgeons perform the operation and face potential problems in virtual reality, before operating on the patient in real life. Penn is one of just a few centers worldwide participating in this trial.
Christina Jackson, MD
Christina Jackson, MD
The Jackson Lab’s research is at the intersection of immunology, metabolism, and brain tumor biology. The primary goal of their translational research is to understand mechanisms of immune evasion by primary malignant brain tumors and skull base tumors to generate novel immune-based therapies. They utilize a combination of high-dimensional single cell immune and genomic profiling, metabolomics, and advanced tumor organoid and mouse models, to 1) understand the role of myeloid derived suppressor cells in promoting tumor growth and T cell dysfunction, 2) elucidate the mechanisms of tumor-specific T cell exhaustion and clonal lineage of dysfunction T cells, and 3) understand how metabolic networks control immune cell function within the tumor microenvironment.
Victoria E. Johnson, MBChB, PhD
Victoria E. Johnson, MBChB, PhD
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common and often devastating health problem. Affecting over 2.5M individuals in the US each year, TBI is a complex and heterogenous disorder. Using novel and translational approaches, The Johnson Lab's aim to further understand the detrimental acute and evolving neuropathologies of TBI, including mechanisms of white matter degeneration and pathological permeability of the blood brain barrier.
John Y.K. Lee, MD, MSCE
John Y. K. Lee, MD, MSCE
The Lee Visualization Lab is dedicated to the improved visualization and surgical resection of brain tumors – both benign and malignant. Directed by John Y.K. Lee, MD, MSCE, the lab has both clinical and small animal research effort.
We believe that fluorescence-guided surgery will help neurosurgeons to better detect areas of tumor and increase our ability to achieve total resection, ultimately improving patient outcomes. Our lab is interested in near-infrared fluorescent dyes, because of their increased penetration through normal tissue as well as the lack of any normal autofluorescence in brain when compared to fluorophores in the visible-light range. We are interested in novel compounds and novel application of existing compounds in order to help the surgeon localize tumors intraoperatively, distinguish normal brain from cancerous tissue and clear the surgical margins in real-time. In addition, we are always exploring novel imaging techniques in collaboration with bioengineering and physics, as many of the dyes have unique imaging properties beyond what our eyes can see.
In addition to fluorescent tumor visualization, our lab also continues to refine and innovate novel ways to visualize neurosurgical pathology in the operating room relying on endoscopic refinements, especially as it pertains to skull base surgery.
Neil R. Malhotra, MD
Neil R. Malhotra, MD
The Malhotra Lab, collectively, is devoted to advancing research initiatives to improve patient and population care. Initially, our sole focus was to improve the care of patients with metastatic and primary spinal cancers through improved surgical techniques and post-operative management. Starting in 2006, after recognizing that our techniques and discoveries might benefit a broader population, we additionally, and in parallel, began to study degenerative spinal disorders. Our endeavors are cyclical and have start points in the laboratory, at the veterinary school, and in clinical research. We seek to maximize the number of intersections between the phases of scientific inquiry and optimally convert every successful idea from bench to bedside to standard of care.
Donald M. O'Rourke, MD
Donald M. O'Rourke, MD
Glioblastoma (GBM), glioma grade IV, is a devastating cancer with an annual incidence of 3.19/100,000 individuals per year (~10,000) and a median survival of 14.6 months following standard-of-care surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Few advances in treatment have been realized over the past 20 years, and 2-year survival remains close to 25 percent. In the O'Rourke Lab we are developing novel methods for treating GBM and improving the outcomes of patients with this devastating disease. Our research focuses several areas of immuno-oncology, supported by model establishment and development. Dr. O'Rourke's position in the University of Pennsylvania Brain and Spinal Cord Tumor Program provides our group with access to significant tumor tissue resources, providing a wide variety of GBM models for our research.
Bijan Perasan, PhD
Bijan Perasan, PhD
The Perasan Lab seeks to understand large-scale circuits in the brain and engineer novel brain-based therapies. For every decision made as a person, neurons are firing and communicating with each other to complete some sort of task. Bijan Perasan and his team look at things like coordination, decision-making, speech, and brain mapping to learn how these neurons are working together and what they are actually saying to each other. Then to take it a step further, what if some neurons are unable to communicate and a person has a neurological disorder? The Perasan Lab is also looking at ways that advanced technologies can be used to help and correct the problems that these neurons are having so the person can return to a normal life.
Andrew Richardson, PhD
Andrew Richardson, PhD
The primary mission of the Richardson Lab in the Department of Neurosurgery is to restore lost function after brain injury or disease using brain-machine interface (BMI) technology. BMIs can modulate neural circuits, strengthen weakened pathways, and provide non-native conduits through which individuals can interact with the world. We strive to advance the clinical viability of this technology and, along the way, to provide new insights about brain physiology.
Douglas H. Smith, MD
Douglas H. Smith, MD
The Smith Neurotrauma Laboratory focuses on the mechanical events at the time of brain injury and how they relate to long-term outcome. It specifically concentrates on the fate of nerve fibers in the brain, called "axons," that appear to be exquisitely vulnerable to trauma. Brain trauma is a devastating disease that affects over 2 million people in the United States each year. However, the mechanisms of brain trauma have only begun to be elucidated. Prior research has shown that some unique features of the physical damage induced by brain trauma can trigger progressive degenerative damage. This startling finding is the basis of our research efforts at Penn.
Visish Srinivasan, MD
Visish Srinivasan, MD
The Kim Innovation Laboratory for Image-Guided Interventions, or the “KIMNOVATION” lab, is at the forefront of cerebrovascular research, conducting investigations into a diverse range of disorders affecting both intracranial and extracranial vessels, including brain aneurysms, congenital malformations, and strokes. Established in 2022 through the generous support of the Kim Family, Dr. Visish Srinivasan leads this state-of-the-art neurointerventional facility. The lab, comprising 700 sq. ft. of wet lab space along with an animal prep area, facilitates a wide spectrum of experiments, covering both microsurgical and interventional radiology techniques. Additionally, it is fully equipped with endovascular and microsurgical tools.
Jon J.W. Yoon, MD, MSc
Jon J.W. Yoon, MD, MSc
The Yoon Lab is focused on advancing spine outcome research and pioneering innovative surgical devices. With a specific emphasis on harnessing the potential of big data and employing advanced statistical analysis techniques, including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, their team is dedicated to uncovering vital insights that enhance patient outcomes.
They leverage the vast amounts of data available to us to delve into the intricate complexities of spine-related conditions. By integrating big data analytics, they can identify patterns, predict outcomes, and develop personalized treatment approaches tailored to each patient's unique needs.
Kate Wofford, Ph.D.
Kate Wofford, PhD
The Wofford Lab is dedicated to characterizing and controlling the interplay between the injured brain and the immune system. The primary goals of their work are to understand the complex neuroimmune interactions that occur during brain injury and to utilized cutting-edge engineering techniques to control immune cells as a way to improve brain health. The lab's research integrates advanced techniques including high-dimensional single-cell immune profiling, neuropathological characterization, in vitro cultures, and sophisticated animal models to achieve these goals. Through these efforts, the Wofford Lab strives to translate groundbreaking discoveries into effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for brain injuries.
John Wolf, PhD
John A. Wolf, PhD
The Wolf Lab in the Department of Neurosurgery is dedicated to understanding the underlying mechanisms of how traumatic brain injury can lead to persistent learning and memory dysfunction, post-traumatic stress disorder, and post-traumatic epilepsy. Our unique systems neuroscience and computational approaches are uncovering changes in how regions of the brain communicate and encode information following injury. These alterations in the limbic system, a group of brain regions dedicated to memory and emotional processing, potentially underlie the cognitive and emotional disorders that persist following injury. In addition, hyperexcitability in this circuitry following TBI may lead to post-traumatic epilepsy. Using the knowledge of these circuitry alterations, we are developing neuromodulation strategies for the treatment of these disorders following TBI.
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