Nursing and Advanced Practice Providers Information

Primary Nursing

One of the unique aspects of working in oncology at Penn is the practice of primary nursing. Primary nursing assigns each nurse the same patients during their shifts, facilitating strong patient-caregiver relationships. This is a more rewarding experience for patients and nurses because the care is patient-centered, individualized and comprehensive.

Innovation and Continuous Improvement in Oncology Nursing

At the Perelman Center for Advanced Medicine, where the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’s outpatient cancer care is provided, a model for advanced practice nursing that focuses on helping patients manage the late effects that accompany radiation therapy is in practice.

The Joan Karnell Cancer Center at Pennsylvania Hospital has the geriatric oncology program, which addresses the needs of those who live alone and need support with the logistical and financial details of their care, and an outpatient palliative care program, which offers holistic support for spiritual and psychological needs and symptom management (usually only provided for inpatients in most hospitals).

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