Social Workers and Dietary Staff in Penn's Transfusion-Free Medicine Program

Pennsylvania Hospital's social workers and dietary staff meet bloodless medicine patients and families during the initial visit or prior to admission to establish a care plan.

Social Workers and Dietary Staff at Penn: Working with Bloodless Medicine Patients

Social workers coordinate and provide comprehensive services that may include:

  • Counseling and coping strategies
  • Information on lodging, medical equipment, medication costs, financial aid, transportation, insurance, prosthetics and other associated needs
  • Serving as a liaison with the bloodless team and the hospital staff

Pennsylvania Hospital's dietary staff provides additional support and assistance to patients and their families if needed. Some patients may need dietary or nutritional counseling prior to bloodless surgery to boost red blood cell growth.

The hospital's bloodless team will coordinate all the necessary arrangements with the dietary staff as part of the plan of care.

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