During the first appointment at the Penn Comprehensive ALS Center, patients will have a thorough review of medical history, physical examination, discussion of future testing and more.

First Appointment Information

You will be seen by an ALS neurologist for a complete evaluation. This appointment will include:

  • Review of medical, surgical, medication and neurological history
  • Physical examination and a complete review of medical records and tests
  • Discussion regarding the need for any further testing, including an electrodiagnostic testing, MRI scans, blood work and spinal tap

We will ask you to provide all records and will also assist in obtaining those records as necessary before your first appointment.

If an alternative diagnosis is reached, then treatment for that diagnosis will be offered.

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Scheduling an Appointment

To make an expedited appointment with a Penn Medicine ALS neurologist call 215-829-3053.

You will be asked to call your referring doctor to have records of any tests that have been done faxed to our office at 215-829-6606.

Follow Up Appointments

If the diagnosis of ALS is confirmed, you will be invited to return to our Comprehensive ALS Center for further management. Follow up appointments will include:

  • Evaluation with your neurologist
  • Additional evaluations and care planning with a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech and language pathologist and dietician as needed
  • Teaching of home care skills for patients, family members and caretakers
  • Medical equipment discussion and ordering as needed
  • Suggestions for research and clinical trial enrollment if deemed part of the care plan

Patients always have access to a full-time nurse practitioner who can help answer questions and provide care plan additions between appointments. A neurologist is also always on call for our patients with ALS.

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