Dr. O'Malley and Dr. Weinstein standing by Otorhinolaryngology machine

Penn Medicine specializes in disorders of the ear, nose and throat (ENT), also known as otorhinolaryngology. Our specialists perform evaluations, diagnoses and treatment of these disorders including areas of the head and neck. Penn Medicine has the region’s leading program for cochlear implantation and bone anchored hearing aid systems. We were the first in the world to offer minimally-invasive robotic surgery techniques for the removal of benign and malignant tumors of the mouth and throat. In addition, our strong research program has many ongoing studies to introduce new treatments for ear, nose and throat conditions.

As an international patient receiving treatment at Penn Medicine, you can rest assured that your values are important to us. You will find a culturally-sensitive and diverse staff that is ready to work with you and your family to make sure your experience here is nothing less than positive and rewarding.

Ear, Nose and Throat Conditions and Treatments

International patients seek Penn Medicine for the following conditions:

  • Audiology/hearing loss—Our program establishes an appropriate plan for each patient by performing advanced testing techniques and using state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Balance disorders— Penn Medicine provides diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to balance, dizziness, vertigo and unsteadiness. Our clinicians have decades of experience diagnosing and treating even the most difficult cases of balance disorders.
  • Hearing device implantation—Penn Medicine is the top center in the Philadelphia area for hearing device implantation. We surgically implant cochlear devices or Baha devices, a bone anchored hearing aid. Otorhinolaryngologists at Penn Medicine were some of the first in the United States to perform cochlear implant surgery in the 1980s and continue to be involved with all major research efforts in the field.
  • Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery—International patients come for all types of reconstruction including cleft lip and palate, facial trauma, facial paralysis, skin cancer, facial deformities and facial fractures.
  • General ear, nose, and throat conditions—Our otolaryngologists are specially trained in chronic rhinosinusitis, obstructive sleep apnea, salivary gland disorders such as parotid tumors, swallowing disorders that require surgical management, thyroid tumors and voice and airway disorders. 
  • Rhinology—We are highly experienced in treating the full spectrum of nose, nasal, and sinus disorders, ranging from nasal obstruction and chronic sinusitis to more complex conditions, including sinonasal and cranial base tumors. Our specialists treat allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease, nasal obstructions and tear duct blockages.
  • Tinnitus—If you are experiencing ringing in your ears, Penn Medicine can perform a comprehensive evaluation that includes a hearing examination, measurement of your tinnitus perception and sound tolerance levels, and otoacoustic emissions.
  • Voice, speech and swallowing disorders— Penn Medicine offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment options including state-of-the-art medical, surgical and behavioral care for the voice and swallowing systems. Our clinicians evaluate, diagnose and treat a wide range of voice and swallowing disorders.
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