
Nursing Award recipients and their supervisors after the award ceremony at Penn Medicine in Philadelphia.

Each year, the University of Pennsylvania Health System recognizes nursing staff for delivering outstanding care.

The Nursing Clinical Excellence Awards celebrate nurses at each Penn Medicine entity in five key areas: community, patient and family relationships; research and innovation; exemplary practice; leadership; and transformational leadership.

Lancaster General Health’s 18th Annual UPHS Nursing Clinical Excellence Award recipients are:

Kim Martin, BSN, RN, OCN, CEN,
disease management coordinator, Orthopedic Administration
Rosalyn J. Watts Award, Community, Patient and Family Relationships

Charity Grove, BSN, RNC-NIC, CN
Helen McClelland Award, Research and Innovation

Carin Schmidt, BSN, RN, RN-BC, CN
4, LGH 6 East
Lillian Brunner Award, Exemplary Practice

Janine Niehaus, BSN, RN, OCN, CN
4, ABBCI Infusion Therapy
Dianne Lanham Award, Leadership

Michelle Fisher, BSN, RN, RNC-OB,
clinical informatics specialist, Nursing Administration
Victoria L. Rich Award, Transformational Leadership

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