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Health News Stories We've Been Reading

Every weekday, the Department of Communications shares selected health news stories from the mainstream media that are of interest to the Penn Medicine community. Now on our blog, we'll be sharing a selection of these picks once or twice a week, plus a few added links of interest. Here is this week's selection:

Poetry, Painting to Earn an M.D.
Wall Street Journal
- Medical schools are placing a growing emphasis on the humanities, including courses in writing, art and literature.

Research into reprogrammed stem cells: an interactive timeline
Not Exactly Rocket Science
- An interactive timeline charts the history of research into adult cells which have been reprogrammed into a stem-like state, which can then develop into other specialized cell types.

Medical Detectives Find Their First New Disease
New York Times
- The federal Undiagnosed Diseases Program uncovered a mutation that causes crippling buildup in blood vessels.

Scientists find 5 new Parkinson's genes
USA Today - Scientists have identified five new genes linked to Parkinson's disease in a large genetic analysis of the illness, according to a new study. Previously, six other genes were identified, and experts say there is now increasing proof the degenerative disease is sparked by peoples' genes.

A Life Lesson Learned in Medical School
New York Times
- It can be hard to distinguish truth from a perfectly good answer. The author's first patient would cure her of certainty forever.

Our Selected Health News stories are compiled by Greg Richter with contributions from other members of the Communications team.


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