Metastatic Breast Cancer

Finding out you have metastatic breast cancer may be overwhelming and scary. Our breast cancer team is here to help you manage this ongoing disease. At the Abramson Cancer Center, we offer comprehensive care for metastatic breast cancer that includes advanced imaging, innovative treatments and specialized support services through our Breast Cancer Program.

What Is Metastatic Breast Cancer?

Metastatic breast cancer, classified and referred to as stage IV breast cancer, is a late-stage form of breast cancer in which the cancerous cells have spread (metastasized) beyond the breast. All types of breast cancer begin in the breast tissue, but the breast cancer diagnosis becomes more serious once the cancer is no longer localized to one area (such as the breast). This happens when breast cancer cells travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system.

Breast cancer most commonly spreads to the bones, lymph nodes, lungs, liver and brain. In more than half of metastatic breast cancers, the cells spread to bones first. No matter where a metastatic tumor is found, it contains breast cancer cells and is considered breast cancer.

If breast cancer is not detected before it spreads, stage IV breast cancer may be your first diagnosis. In other cases, stage IV breast cancer may reoccur elsewhere in your body months or years after an initial diagnosis. About 30 percent of early-stage breast cancers return as metastatic disease.

Signs of Metastatic Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer symptoms depend on where the cancer is discovered. Common locations and symptoms include:

  • Bone: Symptoms can include a severe new bone pain that gradually becomes constant. Bone metastases can also cause fractures.
  • Brain: Signs can include headaches, nausea, facial numbness and changes in speech, vision or balance.
  • Liver: Liver metastases rarely produce symptoms. When they occur, symptoms can include pain in the right side of the abdomen, weakness, poor appetite and yellowing of the eyes and skin.
  • Lungs: Signs of lung metastases include lung pain, shortness of breath and persistent cough.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Staging

We use leading edge breast imaging technology to understand the spread of breast cancer. Our specialized radiologists identify the location of the cancer, see how far it has spread and determine how well your treatment is working. Imaging for metastasized breast cancer may include:

  • Bone scan, which looks inside bones in search of metastasized cancer
  • CT Scans, which looks inside bones and soft tissues in search of metastasized cancer
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), to get a full body scan and measure tumor size
  • PET/CT (positron emission tomography/computed tomography), which are typically used together to detect the spread of breast cancer and measure the size of tumors
  • X-ray, to look for cancer that has spread from the breast to the lungs

Metastatic breast cancer is always considered advanced stage IV breast cancer because it has spread (metastasized) to different organs or lymph nodes far from the breast. The most common areas of the body that cells may spread to are the brain, bones, liver and lungs.

Stage IV Breast Cancer Prognosis

There is no known cure for metastatic breast cancer. Once cancer cells have spread to other areas of the body, it is not possible for them all to be removed. Therefore, your care team may choose to focus your treatment on shrinking tumors, slowing their growth and relieving symptoms and improving your quality of life.

At the Abramson Cancer Center, our team of expert clinicians have access to industry leading breast cancer research and clinical trials that continue to advance the treatment and outcomes of those diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Your care team will be able to guide you in treatment options based on your specific diagnosis.

Metastatic Breast Cancer Treatment and Management

We understand that metastatic breast cancer is a disease you will actively manage for the rest of your life. Our breast cancer treatment goal is to control the cancer and help you maintain a good quality of life.

Systemic Therapy

Systemic therapy (drugs that work throughout the body) is the primary treatment used for metastatic breast cancer. The type of medication used depends on whether a cancer is hormone receptor-positive or HER2-positive (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2). Systemic therapy for advanced breast cancer can include:

  • Chemotherapy, uses drugs that can be taken orally or given intravenously (IV) to attack cancer cells
  • Targeted therapy is reserved for cancer that is hormone-positive, HER2-positive and/or for patients with a BRCA gene mutation. This therapy is directed at a cancer cell’s hormone receptors to interrupt the abnormalities that drive cancer growth.
  • Hormone therapy, (also called endocrine therapy) may be used if breast cancer is hormone-positive.


Immunotherapy (biologic therapy) is a breast cancer treatment that helps your immune system attack cancer cells. Immunotherapy is a new and promising approach that may benefit advanced cancer with characteristics including:

  • Triple negative status
  • Higher levels of PD-L1 protein in immune cells around the breast tumor

Clinical Trials

Penn Medicine is a leader in breast cancer research and clinical trials that offer a variety of promising studies for patients with metastatic breast cancer. Participating in a trial gives you access to innovative treatments and imaging studies. Your care team identifies trials that are appropriate for you.

Through our 2-PREVENT Breast Cancer Translational Center of Excellence (TCE), patients can access clinical trials and research with a focus on metastatic and recurring breast cancers. You can also search the Penn Medicine database of breast cancer clinical trials.

Relieving the Symptoms of Advanced Breast Cancer

Metastatic breast cancer may cause pain and discomfort. Treatments such as radiation therapy and surgery for cancer help prevent or minimize more serious symptoms and complications of metastatic breast cancer. We offer breast cancer support services and integrative oncology to help with treatment side effects and non-medical issues.

Penn Medicine is proud to offer Unite for HER Virtual Wellness Days, where you can participate in a free interactive Wellness Day with a passport to access integrative services that may help relieve you of discomfort that symptoms are causing. This Wellness Day session will help you learn how integrative therapies can empower and restore you during your breast cancer journey.

Why Choose the Abramson Cancer Center for Stage IV Breast Cancer?

We have the resources to identify metastatic breast cancer and get you the personalized treatment you need. At the Abramson Cancer Center, you can expect:

  • Advanced imaging: We use imaging studies such as CT scans, bone scans, and nuclear medicine tests to identify metastatic breast cancer. Imaging specialists across the Penn Medicine network collaborate to provide the most accurate interpretation of your scans.
  • Access to innovative clinical trials: We offer breast cancer clinical trials for patients diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. These studies give you access to new and promising treatment and imaging.
  • Personalized treatment: We use tumor profiling to understand the genes in cancer cells. This information helps us individualize targeted therapies and treatment for your disease.
  • Care close to home: We care for metastatic breast cancer at all our Penn Medicine breast cancer locations. Oncologists and radiologists throughout our network collaborate seamlessly to get you the treatment you need.

Request an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call 800-789-7366 or request a callback.