The research experience in our training program is based on a mentor: fellow relationship that is meaningful, interactive at frequent intervals, and leads to formulation of the research problem, determination of appropriate experimental design, use of appropriate research methodology, analysis of data, interpretation of results and, eventually, publication in peer-reviewed journals. All fellows will engage in meaningful scholarly activities regardless of fellowship path and have opportunities to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals and present  at national endocrine meetings.
In addition to basic, translational, and clinical research, fellows gain training in critical appraisal of endocrine literature through participation in Clinical Conferences, Journal Club, and Research Seminars. They are encouraged to present and publish informative cases that they encounter during their training. Finally, faculty members are encouraged to ask fellows to participate in writing invited Chapters or Reviews, with appropriate authorship designation.
Divisional research training grants allow fellows on the research pathway to pursue this on a full time basis and opportunities are available for fellows both within and outside of the Division of Endocrinology Diabetes and Metabolism. Fellows who are pursuing investigative careers may also continue their research efforts as a research associate with additional years of training after completion of the required two years by the RRC and with faculty support, they have been successful at obtaining mentored funding.
Research training may be supplemented by formal graduate basic science courses at the University. The University of Pennsylvania offers fellows opportunities for obtaining additional post-graduate education in clinical research.

Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism Research Faculty

Mona Al Mukaddam, MD, MS

Anastassia Amaro, MD

Anne R. Cappola, MD, ScM

Mitchell A. Lazar, MD, PhD

Susan J. Mandel, MD, PhD

David Merrick, MD, PhD

Michael R. Rickels, MD, MS

Peter J. Snyder, MD

Doris A. Stoffers, MD, PhD

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