Women in MedicineThe Women in Medicine group is designed to build a strong networking community for our female Internal Medicine trainees.





WIM group photoOur goal is to strengthen opportunities in career development and to address the unique challenges that arise for women during the process of becoming a physician.






WIM tableWe are cosponsored by the the Internal Medicine Residency and the Department of Medicine. Throughout the year, we host events to bring together women from various stages of training to cultivate mentorship and encourage involvement in leadership.






The Women in Medicine executive committee is made up of the housestaff:


Hansol Kang
Ashley Hadjis
Melissa Austin
Helen Tang
Rahael Borchers
Nicole Wayne
Megan Sheehan
Kaitlin Demarest
Alison N Ranum
Anjeli T Manam
Jessica Vadaketh
Esha Bansal
Anna M Goebel


Stephanie Colello
Nadia Al Haddad
Mary Barrosse-Antle
Neha Mukunda

WIM group dinnerProposals for events must be submitted to the full WiM leadership council (resident and fellow representatives) for approval. Proposals should be submitted at least one month in advance.
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