We are proud not only of the high quality, safe and patient-centered clinical care our clinicians provide, but also of their daily contributions to quality improvement science and training the next generation of quality improvement and patient safety leaders. We invite you to take a few moments to explore the achievements our clinicians have made in pursuit of our tripartite mission in quality improvement and patient safety.

Jennifer Myers headshotJennifer S. Myers, MD

Professor of Clinical Medicine
Director, Quality and Safety Education, Department of Medicine
Director, Center for Healthcare Improvement and Patient Safety, Department of Medicine

William Schweickert headshotWilliam D. Schweickert, MD

Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine
Patient Safety Officer, Department of Medicine, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Director, Donner Medical Intensive Care Unit, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Director, Medical Critical Care Operations, Penn Medicine

In This Section

Clinical Care

Using principles of quality improvement science, our clinicians and trainees implement systems to sustain the safest, highest quality care across the continuum.


Department of Medicine clinicians are known for the quality and safety of patient care they provide.


Department of Medicine clinicians provide unique and world-class opportunities for rigorous training in patient care quality and safety for residents, fellows and faculty.

Quality Improvement Science

Department of Medicine faculty are world leaders in the burgeoning area of quality improvement science.

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