
The Vivian Simkins Lasko Retinal Vascular Research Laboratory at the Scheie Eye Institute is dedicated to research on vascular diseases in the eyes and to discovering ways to reverse their effects. The laboratory has several grants from the National Eye Institute (NEI) and pharmaceutical companies to pursue studies on ocular blood flow in diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Dr. Grunwald, along with Clinical Research Study Coordinator Joan DuPont, collaborates with other local national and international researchers.

Research Goals

One of the main goals of the research carried out is to elucidate the role of blood flow abnormalities in the development of eye diseases. In diabetic retinopathy, for example, blood flow is increased and the ability of the retina to regulate its blood flow is grossly abnormal. High blood sugars present in diabetic patients impair the regulation of blood flow in the eye. This lack of regulatory capacity is important because it renders the retina more vulnerable to stress situations such as those produced by an increase in blood pressure in the tiny vessels of the retina, for example. In addition to the study of the effects of disease states on ocular blood flow, the laboratory also investigates the effects of medications on retinal blood flow in an attempt to find treatments for these blinding diseases.

Faculty and Staff

Juan E. Grunwald, MDJuan E. Grunwald, MDDirector
Professor of Ophthalmology of the University of Pennsylvania


Juan E. Grunwald, MD
University of Pennsylvania
Department of Ophthalmology
51 North 39th Street
Room 618
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: (215) 662-8039

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