Immediate Fit Prosthesis Research Study

Below knee amputee volunteers are needed for a research study investigating a new immediate fit prosthesis to determine comfort and functionality during a two-week home trial. Requires at least two visits to the PM&R Gait Lab for fitting and evaluation.

We are looking for men and women who:

  • Are transtibial (below knee) amputees
  • 6 months or more post-op
  • Weight under 250 pounds
  • Over 18 years of age
  • No skin ulceration/rashes on the limb
  • Have no central nervous system disorders such as stroke or brain injury that could interfere with safe walking
  • Have no severe phantom or limb pain

For more information:
Jessica Kenia
Research Assistant

Rehab CARES: Community-based Affordable Robotic Exercise System

  • The purpose of this study is twofold: to evaluate patient satisfaction and motivation after using a new system that has been developed to help people recover from stroke; and to assess the gains made in motor impairment by stroke survivors. This new robot gym, called the Rehab CARES system, consists of 4 stations and uses several devices, one of which is a custom robot.
  • The study will take place at the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab at Penn Rittenhouse. You will undergo an examination by a therapist that will last up to one and one half hours before therapy, followed by introduction and testing on the four stations of the robot gym. You will then receive twelve therapy sessions over eight weeks. After therapy, another assessment will take place.

SmarToyGym: Smart detection of atypical toy-oriented actions in at-risk infants

  • The Center for Rehabilitation at CHOP, along with the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine and the Department of Bioengineering, is conducting a study with typically and atypically developing infants. We are developing a SmarToyGym where the toys are equipped with tiny internal sensors to measure how babies reach and play with them. The information we learn will help develop early treatments for infants at-risk for delays.
  • Eligibility: infants age 3 to 11 months, both with and without developmental delays

For more information:

BiAS: Insights into Impaired Arm Control on Bilateral and Unilateral Functional Activities after Injury: A Kinematic Study

  • The purpose of this study is to understand how changes to brain integration, neural connectivity, and muscle activity affect activities of daily living, e.g. drinking from a cup. Our ultimate goal is to build better rehabilitation devices based on an increased understanding of how a particular injury affects common movements.
  • The study will take place at the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab at Penn Rittenhouse. You will first undergo a noninvasive, one hour examination by a member of our research team. You will then interact with the novel therapy devices for approximately two hours.

BiADLER: Usability Testing of Bilateral Activities of a Daily Exercise Robot for Stroke Therapy

  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate healthy persons and those with hemiplegia caused by a stroke or cerebral palsy. Participants will perform a battery of tasks to test the viability and usability of a bilateral robot system called BiADLER, which allows patients to complete daily tasks with varying levels of assistance and adapt task performance to each individual subject's performance. Subjects will be asked to provide feedback to the researchers on their observations and thoughts about the therapy devices. Participants must be 18 years of age or older and at least 3-months post stroke.
  • The study will take place at the Rehabilitation Robotics Lab at Penn Rittenhouse. You will first undergo a one to one half hour examination by a physical therapist. You will then interact with the novel therapy devices for approximately one hour to one hour and thirty minutes.

HIV/Stroke Rehabilitation: Neural and Motor Functional Changes in HIV and Stroke before and after Robot-Assisted Neurorehabilitation

  • The purpose of the study is to test how HIV affects STROKE SURVIVORS ability to recover their arm control and how a simple robot may help with that recovery.
  • Participation in this study will include two assessment sessions, two scanning sessions in a magnetic scanner and 12 therapy sessions with the robot over the course of one and half months. Prior to session 1 and after session 12, we will take images of your brain in an fMRI machine. Each of the 14 sessions will last approximately 1.5 hours. Your commitment would be for 1.5 months.
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