Vascular Surgery Fellowship Program

Doctors in operating roomWe are interested in applicants looking for a broad-based experience in both complex procedures such as open thoracic and aortic surgery and more commonly performed procedures such as hemodialysis access and venous interventions. Just as importantly, we are looking for individuals interested in the academic aspect of being a vascular surgeon and being actively involved in clinically based projects. Lastly, interacting well with others including other health-care providers and the operating room team is critically important.

Responsibilities of the First-Year Fellow

OR and endovascular responsibilities about three days per week. The other two days the responsibilities of the first year fellow include:

  • Attend non-invasive vascular laboratory one-half day per week where hands-on studies will be performed, studies interpreted, and time given to prepare for the RPVI exam, which is required before taking the vascular boards.
  • Attend arterial clinic one day per week where out-patients will be clinically evaluated and managed.
  • Attend venous clinic one day per week where office-based venous procedures including radio frequency ultrasound-guided ablations, sclerotherapy, stab avulsions will be performed.
  • Participate in clinical research. At least one to two clinical papers are expected per year.
  • On-call every other week from home alternating with second year fellow.
  • Attend conferences (see schedule).
  • Assume O.R. and endovascular responsibilities when on-call and when second year fellow is away at conferences and on vacation.
  • Round daily on in-patients with second year fellow and the members of the vascular service. Each fellow will assume primary responsibility for the cases that he/she has scrubbed on.

Responsibilities of the Second-Year Fellow

  • On-call every other week from home to alternate with first year fellow.
  • Assume O.R. and endovascular responsibilities four days per week, when on call, and when first year fellow is away at conferences and on vacation.
  • Clinical evaluation and management of out-patients in arterial clinic one day per week.
  • Clinical evaluation and management of in-patients in the hospital.
  • Attend conferences (see schedule).
  • Round daily on in-patients with first year fellow and the rest of the vascular service. Each fellow will assume primary responsibility for the cases that he/she has scrubbed on.


Satisfactory completion of a Residence Review Committee (RRC) - approved five-year General Surgical Residency and licensure in Pennsylvania.

How to Apply

Apply through the NRMP matching process.

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