woman doing yoga - penn center for the female athlete

Visit the Penn Center for the Female Athlete if you have pain, such as a tear, strain or broken bone. Our team will also help you understand why you’ve sustained an injury in addition to what specific body part was injured.

We take a "whole body" mentality when approaching individual injuries, carefully considering your nutritional and hormonal history in addition to any limited mobility or physical weaknesses. We'll work on treatment, rehabilitation and helping you regain your strength, so you can get back out on the track, field, mat or barre. 

Elite Athlete Performance Enhancement

Proactive performance visits are also welcome: If you are an elite female athlete who is not playing at your peak, the team will help advise you on injury prevention and performance enhancement. 

What Conditions Are Treated at Penn Center for the Female Athlete?

We treat a number of common athletic injuries — for women of all ages — at the Penn Center for the Female Athlete, including breaks, tears and strains from physical activity.

Common injuries treated include:

  • Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries (women are two-to-five times more likely to tear their ACLs than men)
  • Labral tears of the hip
  • “Runner’s Knee” (patellofemoral pain) and general patellar instability
  • Stress fractures (females are more likely to sustain these in their pelvis and leg bones)
  • Ankle sprains

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