Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. Symptoms like frequent urinating and weak urine stream can interfere with your daily life.

But you don't have to live with bothersome prostate symptoms. In our Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Program, we offer the latest BPH treatments for benign prostate enlargement in private, comfortable settings.

Enlarged Prostate Treatments

Our urologists have additional fellowship training in specialty areas of urology. This extra training gives them special expertise in prostate conditions so they can offer the best BPH treatments available.

Your care may include:

  • Medications and lifestyle changes
  • Urolift® System
  • GreenLight™ Laser Therapy
  • Aquablation®
  • Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)
  • Robotic surgery for severe prostate enlargement

Medications and lifestyle changes

Many people can manage BPH with lifestyle changes or medications. Our doctors discuss your options with you to help you choose a BPH treatment that works with your lifestyle and preferences.

Urolift® System

Urolift is an outpatient, minimally invasive treatment for benign prostate enlargement. It doesn't destroy or remove prostate tissue. Instead, Urolift uses permanent implants that lift enlarged prostate tissue out of the way for proper urine flow.

Because doctors use instruments that go through the urethra, you don't need incisions. Urolift also has a low risk of side effects. Most people notice results immediately after the procedure.

GreenLight™ Laser Therapy

GreenLight™ uses laser technology to remove excess prostate tissue. During this minimally invasive procedure, doctors access the tissue through the urethra. The laser also seals blood vessels as it removes the tissue, so most people have minimal bleeding.

GreenLight™ requires no incisions or overnight hospital stay. Doctors usually perform this procedure in an operating room with spinal anesthesia, though they may use general anesthesia. In most cases, you'll notice BPH relief soon after the procedure.


Aquablation uses a heat-free waterjet to remove excess prostate tissue with exceptional precision. This leading-edge BPH treatment combines the steadiness of a robotic tool with real-time ultrasound imaging.

Our urologists perform Aquablation in an operating room with general anesthesia. The waterjet is a slim tool that goes in the urethra, so there are no incisions.

You stay overnight in the hospital, and most patients go home without a catheter the next day. Penn is one of the few health systems in the area to offer this advanced therapy.

Benefits of Aquablation

Real-time ultrasound images allow your surgeon to clearly see which areas of the prostate to remove. Then, your surgeon can map the treatment areas to avoid the parts of the prostate that control sexual and urinary function.

With this level of accuracy, you have a lower risk of side effects like erectile dysfunction (ED) and incontinence. You also get effective relief from urinary problems such as:

  • Frequency
  • Nocturia (need to urinate frequently at night)
  • Pain or stinging during urination
  • Straining
  • Urgency
  • Weak stream

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP)

TURP is surgery to remove excess prostate tissue:

  1. Doctors insert a wire loop (a resectoscope) through the urethra to access the prostate.
  2. Then, the wire loop delivers an electric current that trims away the extra tissue.

TURP requires general or spinal anesthesia. You undergo the procedure in an operating room.

Robotic surgery for severe prostate enlargement

If prostate enlargement is severe, our doctors can perform BPH surgery robotically to remove excess tissue. Robotic BPH surgery allows for smaller incisions and faster recoveries than traditional open surgery. Learn more about our Minimally Invasive Urologic Surgery Program.

Medications and lifestyle changes

Many people can manage BPH with lifestyle changes or medications. Our doctors discuss your options with you to help you choose a BPH treatment that works with your lifestyle and preferences.

BPH Treatment at Penn: Why Choose Us?

If you are experiencing BPH, you're not alone. About half of males experience enlarged prostate before age 60. The number goes up to 90 percent by age 80.

Even though it's common, an enlarged prostate affects everyone differently. That's why our program offers:

  • Advanced benign prostatic hyperplasia treatments: Many of the newest benign prostatic hyperplasia treatments don't involve surgery or anesthesia. Our urologists stay up to date on breakthroughs in BPH care, such as nonsurgical water vapor therapy. You get a wide range of options for your care and access to the latest treatments available.
  • Specialized team: Our doctors, nurses and assistants have specialized training in BPH treatment. You get clear, knowledgeable answers to your questions and compassionate care from a team that truly understands what you're going through. Meet our BPH specialists.
  • Personalized care: Our doctors get to know you and your preferences before recommending a procedure or medication. They create a care plan that suits your lifestyle and medical needs, so you can feel confident in your treatment.

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