Three women in a swimming pool

Helping You Take Control

Pelvic floor disorders can make you may feel like you've lost control. We can help you regain it.

Pelvic floor disorders may feel uncomfortable or embarrassing, especially when they keep you from your favorite activities. Many women think these problems are a normal part of aging. But the right treatments can relieve symptoms or even cure pelvic floor disorders.

At Penn Medicine, specialists in our Urogynecology program offer the latest therapies with a compassionate touch. We understand the effects that pelvic floor disorders can have on your life. Our goal is to provide care and services that help you feel like yourself again.

What Is Urogynecology?

Urogynecology is a specialty within OB-GYN that focuses on treating pelvic floor disorders with gynecologic therapies and surgery. Urogynecologists complete medical school, a four-year OB/GYN residency and a three-year fellowship in women's pelvic health and reconstructive surgery. Meet the urogynecology team.

Pelvic floor disorders develop when the pelvic floor (muscles and connective tissues) don't work as well as they should. Connective tissues include ligaments, membranes and other tissues that support pelvic organs. In women, the pelvic organs include the bladder, vagina, uterus, small intestine and rectum (lower part of the large intestine).

Urogynecology: The Penn Medicine Advantage

Women, especially older women and those who have given birth, are more likely to experience pelvic floor disorders. Our team understands the unique issues that women with these conditions face.

Our comprehensive program offers:

  • Highly specialized expertise in pelvic floor disorders: All of our doctors are urogynecologists with fellowship training and board certifications in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery. You receive care from specialists who aren't OB-GYN generalists — they have years of focused experience treating women with all types of pelvic floor disorders. And our nurse practitioner has experience and training in nonsurgical care for women's pelvic floor disorders.
  • Compassionate, personalized care: Our team understands how pelvic floor disorders can affect your daily life in many ways. In our thorough evaluation, we listen closely to you to understand what you're experiencing. Then we create a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs. No matter how rare and complex the condition is, we can help.
  • Nationwide referrals: Women from across the country come to us for the best care for urinary and fecal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. About 60 percent of our referrals are women who have tried other treatments that didn't work for them. When other treatments fail, we provide care that brings relief.
  • Leading-edge research and clinical trials: Our Urogynecology program is one of a few research sites in the Pelvic Floor Disorders Network (PFDN). The PFDN is a research and clinical care network sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Our urogynecologists are at the forefront of care through their participation in PFDN and other research. Through clinical trials, eligible patients have access to promising new diagnostic technologies, nonsurgical therapies and surgical techniques before they're available to the public.

Urogynecology: Services and Treatments We Offer

Our program offers:

Urogynecology: Conditions We Treat

We treat all types of pelvic floor disorders, including:

  • Absence of vagina, a condition in which a person is born with a missing or underdeveloped vagina
  • Fecal incontinence, loss of bowel control causing solid or liquid stool leaks
  • Fistulas, abnormal connections between the vagina and nearby organs, such as the bladder, urethra or intestines
  • Pelvic organ prolapse, sagging bladder, uterus, vagina or rectum
  • Urethral diverticulum, a pouch that develops along the urethra
  • Urinary incontinence, loss of bladder control that causes urine leaks
  • Vaginal cysts, pocket-like lumps in the vagina that may contain fluid, air or other substances

Request an Appointment

Call 800-789-7366 or complete our online form.

Fecal Incontinence Services

Our urogynecology doctors offer advanced fecal incontinence treatment such as pelvic floor rehab, minimally invasive procedures, devices and surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Penn Medicine's urogynecologists are available to answer your questions about bladder and pelvic floor health.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Services

Our specialists offer expert treatment for pelvic organ prolapse (rectocele & cystocele).

Postpartum Pelvic Floor Recovery Program

We offer expert postpartum care, monitoring and counseling regarding wound healing, and surgery to treat women with vaginal tears after childbirth.

Treatments and Procedures

The division of urogynecology at Penn offers comprehensive, efficient, state-of-the-art services for a variety of bladder and pelvic floor disorders.

Women's Accidental Bowel Leakage Program

Our dedicated program provides specialized care, including surgery and specialized pelvic floor exercises, for women who have fecal incontinence.

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