Bladder dysfunction and pelvic organ prolapse affect millions of people. Even though they are common, these conditions can cause embarrassment and frustration.

In our Bladder Dysfunction, Prolapse and Incontinence Treatment Program, we provide the full range of effective bladder dysfunction and prolapse treatment options. Whether you have urine accidents, overactive bladder (OAB) or voiding dysfunction, we can help. With our program, you experience compassionate care that puts equal focus on your emotional and physical well-being.

Treatments for Bladder Dysfunction, Prolapse and Incontinence

Bladder leaks, pelvic organ prolapse, overactive bladder and urine voiding dysfunction can interfere with your life, but they don't have to. Our program offers the full range of treatments so you can choose the most effective option for your situation.

Noninvasive options

We offer the latest nonsurgical incontinence treatments. Our team specializes in:

  • Pelvic floor exercises: Also known as Kegel exercises, pelvic floor exercises help you train and strengthen your muscles. Our nurse practitioners provide detailed instruction on Kegel exercises and pelvic floor muscle therapy to help you gain control over incontinence.
  • Medications and lifestyle changes: Our experienced team can guide you through lifestyle changes or recommend medication to help you control bladder leakage.
  • Biofeedback: During biofeedback, doctors stick sensors on your skin. These sensors connect to a computer. The computer gives you feedback about your pelvic floor muscles so you learn how to control them.
  • Pessaries: A pessary is a device that you place in the vagina to treat pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. Our experienced team can select the pessary that is most comfortable and effective for you.

Leading-edge surgical options

Our surgeons perform the full range of prolapse, overactive bladder and incontinence surgical treatments for males and females, including:

  • Mesh-free sling surgery: During mesh-free bladder surgery, doctors take a strip of your own tissue from your abdomen or thigh. They use the tissue to create a sling that supports the urethra (tube where urine exits the body). The sling helps keep the urethra in place, which can relieve stress urinary incontinence. Mesh-free bladder surgery is also called autologous sling surgery or mesh-free incontinence and prolapse surgery.
  • Midurethral sling surgery: This surgery uses a surgical mesh to support the urethra and hold it in place. Males usually have one small incision in the perineum (area in front of the anus). Females usually have one small vaginal incision.
  • Robotic pelvic floor reconstruction: This surgery treats pelvic organ prolapse with strong durable mesh support using our robotic techniques. The robot allows for smaller incisions and greater precision. Learn more about robotic sacrocolpopexy, also known as robotic prolapse surgery.
  • Mesh-free prolapse surgery: During mesh-free prolapse surgery, our surgeons use your own tissue to strengthen pelvic floor support and suspend the vagina.
  • Neuromodulation: This procedure uses a wire to stimulate pelvic nerves and improve their function. Neuromodulation can treat overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and difficulty voiding.

What to Expect from Bladder Dysfunction, Prolapse and Incontinence Treatment at Penn Medicine

Pelvic organ prolapse, urinary incontinence and bladder problems don't have to interfere with your life. With our comprehensive program, you can gain bladder control and confidence. You benefit from:

  • Specialized team: Our doctors, nurses and advanced practice providers have years of experience treating prolapse, incontinence, overactive bladder and voiding dysfunction in males and females. Meet our specialists.
  • Accurate diagnosis: Knowing what's causing bladder dysfunction is a key part of your treatment. We provide advanced bladder testing in our private, state-of-the-art video urodynamics (VUDS) suite to solve the most challenging cases.
  • Personalized care plan: Everyone in our program receives a treatment plan tailored to their wishes and medical needs. You also get knowledgeable answers and advice from a team that specializes in prolapse and bladder issues.
  • Forefront of research: As a leading academic health system, expert scientists are important members of our care teams. They conduct research and clinical trials that give you access to the newest, most advanced treatment options available.

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In This Section

Overactive Bladder Treatment Program

Our Overactive Bladder Treatment Program offers OAB treatments to help relieve excessive urination, such as InterStim and pelvic floor exercises

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