A testicular varicocele is swelling of veins in the scrotum (sac that holds the testicles). It happens when valves in the vein can't effectively push blood through, and it pools. Varicoceles can affect sperm count and quality, leading to infertility.

When you are dealing with varicoceles and infertility, care from experts who perform the latest techniques is critical. That's why we perform the most advanced varicocele procedures including microsurgery, so you can get results and move forward with building your family.

Varicocele Treatments

The best varicocele treatments involve delicate procedures that repair the damaged veins and restore sperm health. Our skilled urologists perform:

Microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocelectomy

Our highly trained microsurgeon performs microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocelectomy to repair varicoceles. During this procedure, your surgeon uses a high-powered microscope and delicate instruments to see and repair the varicocele. The surgery involves carefully tying off defective veins and redirecting blood flow so it no longer pools in the scrotum.

Microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocelectomy has a lower risk of complications when compared to traditional varicocelectomy. The microsurgical approach is:

  • Less likely to damage the arteries in the scrotum or vas deferens (tube that transports semen)
  • More precise, which means your surgeon can repair every affected vein for complete relief

Your surgeon can perform microsurgical sub-inguinal varicocele repair with a small incision and general anesthesia. You go home the same day.

Spermatic venography and embolization

This varicocele repair technique uses special imaging (spermatic venography) to place a special coil in the affected veins in the scrotum. To access the veins, our interventional radiologists make a small puncture with a needle. There are no incisions.

Most people need only a local anesthetic and go home the same day. Learn more about varicocele embolization.

Testicular Varicocele Surgery and Repair: Why Choose Us?

Our comprehensive team offers the most advanced treatment for testicular varicoceles and male infertility in the Philadelphia area. You benefit from:

  • Personalized follow-up care: Your care doesn't end after your procedure. You have access to advanced fertility tests after varicocele removal with our specialized andrology lab. We create a unique follow-up fertility plan that helps you build a family on your terms.
  • Complete care in one place: Our male fertility experts partner with Penn reproductive endocrinologists and other specialists as needed. That way, you have access to the full range of assisted reproductive technology, including intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF), after your treatment.

Meet our male infertility specialists

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