We're Here for You

Experiencing infertility is often emotional and frustrating, but you don't have to face it alone. We have more options than ever before to help you build your family, together. 

Young woman with a hopeful look, her face is pointed skyward

There are several different reasons why you might be having trouble conceiving, and diagnostic procedures can help identify the cause of infertility.

Sometimes, diagnosis can be easy — just a matter of conducting a few simple tests. Other times, pinpointing the cause requires time and patience. And, in many cases — about 1 in 3 — no cause of infertility can be found.

Diagnosing Infertility

A diagnostic evaluation for infertility often begins with a physical exam and a thorough health history.

Afterward, your doctor may further evaluate you using one or more of the following methods:

  • Performing a pelvic ultrasound to determine if the uterus and ovaries are normal in appearance.
  • Performing an hysterosalpingogram test (HSG) or saline ultrasound to examine the inside contour of the uterus and to assess your fallopian tubes to see if they are open.
  • Assessing your ovarian reserve, which may include measuring the level of Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) in your blood.
  • Measuring hormone levels including progesterone to determine whether you are ovulating.
  • Performing a semen analysis on your partner. 

Depending on your condition, additional detailed tests may be needed to determine the cause of infertility.

We understand that the process of diagnosis and treatment selection may be emotionally demanding and requires the most sympathetic of approaches. If you feel like you need more emotional support, we offer counseling services. Our Fertility Wellness Program also offers emotional support, nutrition, behavioral wellness, yoga, mindfulness, and acupuncture for those having trouble getting pregnant.

Can Infertility in Women be Cured?

Infertility treatment depends on several factors, including the cause, how long you’ve been trying to get pregnant, and your age. Our fertility specialists will design a personalized plan to meet your specific needs. Fertility problems are complex, and treatment sometimes involves significant physical, emotional and financial commitments.

We offer the following treatments for female-factor infertility:

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), which is a relatively "low-tech" assisted reproductive technology (ART). In IUI, washed sperm is deposited into the uterus and fallopian tubes, where fertilization occurs.
  • Ovulation Induction, which is a procedure to induce ovulation and help increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

Learn more about the treatments and procedures for female infertility offered at Penn.

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