Penn Cosmetic Surgery

Topless, muscular man

Women may have the reputation for it, but many men pay attention to the way they look—just as much as women do. They form personal goals for fitness and youthfulness, and they feel society’s aesthetic pressures, too.

From a cosmetic surgery perspective, men’s goals can include anything from a more balanced facial structure to a smaller bust or waistline. But just because their goals may correspond with women’s requests, the procedures themselves can differ, as our plastic surgeons consider factors such as facial hair, skin thickness and body type.

The cosmetic procedures that men request most commonly include:

As the general population in the United States lives longer and experiences an improved quality of life, men want to keep themselves active, engaged and looking their best. There’s nothing wrong with that, and our team of insightful and experienced cosmetic surgeons turns men’s cosmetic surgery goals into reality.

Contact Us

Want to learn more about cosmetic surgery for men? Contact us by filling out our online form or calling us at 610-902-1828.

Procedures Specific to Men

Many of our cosmetic surgeries and treatments are popular with both men and women; however, gynecomastia, or male breast revision, is a procedure we offer only to men. Learn more about it:

Male Breast Revision

The cause of breast growth in men remains unknown, but male breast revision surgery can help create an ideal masculine chest contour.
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