How do I find out the cost and fees for cosmetic procedures?
Cosmetic surgery fees and costs vary based on procedure, as well as your body type and the type of work that may go into the procedure. The administrative assistant will discuss the breakdown of costs with you following the consultation.
Is there a consultation fee?
Yes, there is a fee for your private and personalized consultation with one of our surgeons; however, if you decide to have your procedure done at Penn Medicine, the consultation fee will be subtracted from the procedure cost.
Does insurance cover cosmetic surgery?
Insurance companies do not cover the costs of cosmetic procedures. Insurance providers will typically only cover those expenses related to diseases, illness and injury, including reconstructive procedures considered medically necessary because the condition interferes with the individual's health or ability to function normally.
Insurance carriers have different definitions for "cosmetic" and "medically necessary." In some cases, the insurer may determine that part of the surgery is medically necessary. The patient is then responsible for the part of the surgery the insurance company considers cosmetic.
If you have a question about insurance coverage, make sure you ask your plastic surgeon's office staff. They can work with your insurer to determine what may be covered.