The fee for this service is $100 per vaporizer, payable only by funds transfer.

Vaporizer calibration will be completed within a week of receipt:

  • Bring vaporizer to 305 John Morgan Building (use the Johnson Pavilion elevators)
  • M-F, 10am – 4pm
  • Label vaporizer with PI's name, email, phone number (masking tape is OK)
  • Bring the completed funds transfer form
  • Bring vaporizer partially (< 1/2) filled with correct liquid anesthetic agent
  • Keep vaporizer upright during transport
  • For further information call 215.573.8209 or 215.573.8208

Following the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) recommendations and IACUC guidelines, anesthetic vaporizers used in animal research must be calibrated every two years.

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