Judd Flesch, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine, Rebecca Hirsch, MD, Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine and Rosemary Thomas, MPH, lead the Penn Medicine Program for LGBT Health. The program aims to make Penn Medicine a leader in LGBT health research, education regarding LGBT healthcare, and state-of-the-art clinical care of LGBT patients. Since its establishment in 2013, the Program has had several key achievements, including:

  • Attaining “Top Performer” status at HUP, PPMC, PAH, and CCH for the Human Rights Campaign Healthcare Equality Index for 2017 and “Leader” status from 2014-2016.
  • Incorporating appropriate Sexual Orientation / Gender Identity data into Penn Chart.
  • Forming a “Transgender Buddy Program,” to help transgender patients navigate the health system while minimizing risk of mis-gendering and educating providers.
  • Providing education to faculty, trainees, students, nurses, social workers, medical assistants, and patient service associates throughout inpatient wards at HUP and PPMC, as well as outpatient practices throughout the health system.
  • Organizing two large symposia – one addressing transgender health, and the other address health issues among LGBT youth.
  • Establishing a mentoring program that includes faculty, house staff, and medical students
  • Creating an LGBT Health Research Collective, which allows for collaboration among researchers working in the arena of LGBT health.

The program aims to build on its successes through continued educational initiatives, expansion of the research endeavor, and establishment of an LGBT-focused primary care practice with the Department of Medicine.

For additional information, please contact Drs. Hirsh or Flesch, or visit the program website.

Penn Medicine's LGBT Health Program

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