Recent visiting professors include:

  • 2023 — Dr. Jason Karlawish, MD, University of Pennsylvania Penn Memory Center & The Penn Program on Precision Medicine for the Brain. "A Mind in Splints: What It Is Like To Be a Person Living With Dementia."
  • 2022 — Dr. Peter Hotez, MD, PhD., DSc (hon), FASTMH, FAAP
    COVID-19 Vaccines—Science vs. Antiscience
  • 2021 — Agnes Binagwaho, MD, M(Ped), PhD
    What went wrong and what went well in the world: Lessons from COVID-19 Management
  • 2019 — Julie Fairman, RN, PhD, FAAN
    Nurse Practitioners: their history and their future in a changing health care environment
  • 2018 — Elisabeth Rosenthal, MD
    Senor Writer, The new York Times How Business Hijacked Healthcare and How to Get it Back on Course
  • 2016 — Ernest Drucker, PhD, Professor of Public Health, NYU College of Global Public Health
    “Decarcerating America: From Mass Punishment to Public Health”
  • 2015 — Sophie Dalaunay, Executive Director, Doctors Without Borders, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF)
    “Saving the World, Or Saving One Life at a Time? Lessons My Career With MSF Has Taught Me”
  • 2014 — Anne Fadiman, Essayist, Reporter and Teacher
    “The Spirit Catches You and You Will Fall Down”
  • 2013 — Farhat Moazam, MD, PhD, Professor and Founding Chair, Centre of Biomedical Ethics and Culture, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, Karachi, Pakistan
    “We are the Children of our Landscape: Practicing Medicine in Pakistan”
  • 2012 — Chris Feudtner, MD, PhD, MPH
    Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
  • 2011 — Nicholas Christakis, MD, PhD
    Harvard University
  • 2010 — Deborah A. Frank, MD
    Boston University
  • 2009 — Paul Farmer, MD, PhD
    Partners in Health, Harvard University
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