The dual mission of the Penn Blood Disorder Center is to provide a full spectrum of care to adults with non-malignant (benign) hematologic disorders and to improve outcomes for patients with these disorders through basic and clinical research. Services for children with blood disorders are available at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP).

headshot of Adam C. Cuker, MD, MS

Penn Blood Disorders Center

Adam C. Cuker, MD, MS
Director, Penn Blood Disorders Center
Director, Penn Comprehensive and Hemophilia Thrombosis Program

Services for Adult Patients in the Blood Center

The Penn Blood Disorders Center provides a comprehensive range of clinical services including:

  • State-of-the-art diagnostic and clinical care, including routine appointments and acute care, to adult patients of all ages
  • In-clinic phlebotomy
  • An infusion suite, located steps away from the PBC, for apheresis and administration of intravenous medications and blood products
  • Coordination of referrals with specialty and subspecialty providers
  • Availability of hematology physicians for emergencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

The Penn Difference: Penn Blood Disorders Center Marks of Excellence

  • The Penn Blood Disorders Center’s hematologists are international experts in their fields, having published numerous articles and book chapters and delivered lectures around the world on platelet, red blood cell, bone marrow failure, and bleeding and clotting disorders
  • The Penn Blood Disorders Center’s hematologists conduct cutting-edge laboratory and clinical research in blood disorders
  • Patients benefit from the opportunity to participate in research involving innovative treatments for non-malignant hematologic disorders
  • Housed within the Penn Blood Disorders Center is the Penn Comprehensive Hemophilia Program (PCHP), a nationally designated comprehensive hemophilia center specializing in the care of patients with congenital bleeding disorders

Medical hematologists involved in the management of benign hematology include:

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