Section Chief:
Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD
Roseman, Tarte, Harrow, and Shaffer Families’ President’s Distinguished Professor
The Hematological Malignancies Clinical Program at Penn Medicine and the Abramson Cancer Center specializes in treatment patients with acute and chronic leukemia, myeloproliferative disorders, myelodysplastic syndromes, lymphoma, myeloma and amyloidosis. Our program in one of the most experienced in the nation. Through our program of clinical and translational research, we apply our ongoing understanding of hematological malignancies to develop new therapies that will benefit more patients every day.
For decades, Penn's clinicians and researchers in hematologic malignancies have led the way nationally; both in the care of patients with blood cancers and in research on their causes, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
The success of the program relies on extensive collaboration with researchers and clinicians across specialties, including sub-specialty oncologist, pathology and laboratory medicine, nuclear medicine, radiology and radiation oncology.
Over 100 scientists, clinicians, research nurses, technicians, and other research personnel are organized into three hematologic malignancies research programs:
Individualized treatment approaches are being investigated in all disease types that include the pathological analysis of tumor material in order to personalize medical treatments, including:
- Stem Cell Transplant and Cellular Therapy
- Targeted molecular therapy
- Monoclonal antibody and cellular immunologic therapy
These hold the promise for improved response and survival with decreased toxicity.
Both autologous and allogeneic bone marrow and stem cell transplantation approaches are utilized extensively for these diseases

Medical oncologists involved in the management of hematologic malignancies include:
- Daria Babushok, MD
- Stefan Barta, MD
- Douglas Beach, MD
- Elise Chong, MD
- Adam D. Cohen, MD
- Patricia Ford, MD
- Noelle Frey, MD
- Alfred Garfall, MD
- Saar I. Gill, MD
- Elizabeth Hexner, MD
- Rebecca L. Hirsh, MD
- Peter S. Klein, MD, PhD
- Daniel J. Landsburg, MD
- Alison Loren, MD, MS
- Selina M. Luger, MD
- Mary Ellen Martin, MD
- Shannon McCurdy, MD
- Sunita Nasta, MD
- Alexander Perl, MD
- David L. Porter, MD
- Keith W. Pratz, MD
- Marco Ruella, MD
- Stephen J. Schuster, MD
- Edward A. Stadtmauer, MD
- Jakub Svoboda, MD
- Dan Vogl, MD
- Kristine Ward, MD
- Adam Waxman, MD
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