The Division of Translational Medicine and Human Genetics helps facilitate research through the department of medicine.

Translational medicine is a term used to describe the "translation" of laboratory research findings into proof of concept in humans, ultimately leading to advances in the diagnosis, prediction, and treatment of disease.

Human genetics encompasses the study of human genetic variation and its impact on health and disease. Medical genetics is a field that has traditionally focused on the clinical management of single–gene Mendelian disorders, but is increasingly focused on common complex disorders with strong genetic components.

Patient care is provided primarily through specialized centers set up to meet the needs of older children and adults with specific inherited disorders.

The Division offers a 3-year medical genetics residency program and a 5-year combined residency in internal medicine and clinical genetics.

Current research projects in the department include an analysis of the clinical utility of genetic testing; Mendelian disorders of the cardiovascular system, especially those involving defects of connective tissue; and, ethical, legal and social implications of the human genetics.

In This Section

Welcome Message

A welcome message from Daniel J. Rader, MD, Chief of the Division of Translational Medicine and Human Genetics.


Learn more about the Translational Medicine and Human Genetics Division's vision, clinical mission and contact information.

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