The ODC works to develop transformative therapies using platform technologies that can be deployed across multiple rare diseases.  The Center focuses on disorders with substantial unmet need independent of their incidence and strives to assure access to patients of all populations.

The focus of the Center lies in partnership and leveraging of resources:

  • Uniting investigators and clinicians within Penn and multiple institutions who are committed to treating and curing orphan disorders/diseases.
  • Creating resources at Penn to enable discovery and preclinical development of potential therapies, as well as the clinical translation of those efforts.
  • Extending approaches developed in one disorder to multiple others, and developing new technologically advanced research services to support this research.
  • Providing a facile means for both small biotech and large pharmaceutical companies to partner with academic researchers in orphan disease research and therapeutic development.
  • Linking academicians to both public and private foundations that support biomedical research for orphan diseases.

For more information, please visit the ODC website.

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