Botswana – UPENN Partnership  (BUP) Lecturing to medical students at the University of Botswana

Making an impact worldwide

The Department of Radiology at Penn Medicine is committed to working with local and international partners to advance health promotion initiatives and improve the state of radiology globally. Our excellence in research, innovation and education combined with our richness in diversity allows us to contribute effective solutions that aim to equitably improve health outcomes both locally and internationally.

At Penn Radiology, we understand there is a lot to be learned from our colleagues all over the world and are therefore committed to the bidirectional exchange of educational content and collaborative research with the intent to build local capacity and ensure long term sustainability in low resource settings. We are excited to collaborate on global health care solutions that are designed based on local needs and are respectful of local culture and ethics.

Our radiology residency program has developed a global health leadership track, at the core of which is the long standing Botswana-UPenn Partnership, but has grown to include collaboration with other organizations such as RAD-AID International. We are proud to have the support of PSOM Center for Global Health.

In the spirit of education and capacity building, we are launching an international case competition; a platform for our trainees in low- and middle- income countries to present interesting cases, unique to their regions, to a global audience, and potentially win prize money.

In this section

  • Imaging Case Competition

    The Global Health Imaging Case Competition is designed for medical trainees in low- and middle-income countries to present cases to a global audience.

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