Research in Radiology

The Department of Radiology at Penn Medicine has its roots in research; Perelman School of Medicine and the University of Pennsylvania provide a rich, collaborative environment for it to thrive. Our core facilities, labs, centers and training programs specialize in a wide variety of biomedical, molecular and quantitative imaging work. 


COVID-19 Research Opportunities

The Penn Center for Research on Coronavirus and Other Emerging Pathogens is seeking to coordinate COVID-19 research activities and efforts. They are interested in hearing from those working on SARS-CoV-2 or who have ideas about a project.

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Multidisciplinary focus and close integration between disease-oriented and basic science and technology programs have provided the foundation for success at Penn Radiology. We have maintained a top 5 NIH research funding position among American radiology departments for the past 25 years.

Our research programs cross a wide disciplinary spectrum with considerable strength in:

  • Molecular imaging
  • Biomedical imaging informatics
  • Cancer imaging, particularly breast and animal models, as well as studies at the cellular level
  • Cardiovascular imaging
  • Musculoskeletal imaging
  • Neurofunctional imaging
  • Method development, such as magnetic resonance imaging techniques, imaging agents, image processing, and optical imaging
  • Interventional radiology 

Our radiology research efforts are organized into imaging core facilities, supported by an administrative core, and research labs.

In This Section


Penn Radiology research closely integrates efforts among core facilities, labs and centers, and an array of training programs.

Core Facilities

Our unique core facilities support research imaging needs across basic, translational and clinical programs, while serving as a catalyst for collaboration

Labs and Centers

Penn Radiology’s Basic Research Division includes laboratories focused on basic imaging methodology. Our research labs are separated into Quantitative, Biomedical Imaging Informatics, and Molecular Imaging Labs.

Research Training

Find out about our research training opportunities that we have available within the Department of Radiology.

Research Symposia

Penn Medicine information about the Department of Radiology's research symposiums.


Welcome to the Radiology Research Wellness webpage! The Radiology Research Wellness Committee aims to provide programming aligned with enhancing the wellness of the Radiology research staff.

Initiatives to Support inclusive Excellence

The mission of RISE is to facilitate the career advancement and leadership of minorities and women in academic medicine.

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